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|lshtext=<b>lānātus</b>: a, um, adj. [[lana]],<br /><b>I</b> furnished [[with]] [[wool]], [[bearing]] [[wool]], [[woolly]] ([[mostly]] [[poet]]. and [[post]]-Aug.).<br /><b>I</b> Lit.: lanatae oves, i. e. [[unshorn]], Col. 7, 3, 2: pelles, id. 6, 2, 4: de lanata pelle, Veg. 3, 7, 1; 5, 42, 2: animalia, Juv. 15, 11.—Subst.: lānātae, ārum, f., [[wool]]-bearers, for [[sheep]], Juv. 8, 155.—<br /><b>II</b> Transf.: [[vitis]], [[downy]], [[covered]] [[with]] [[down]], Col. 3, 2: [[mala]], Plin. 15, 14, 14, § 48: [[lupus]], [[soft]] [[like]] [[wool]], id. 9, 17, 28, § 61.—Comp.: folia lanatiore canitie, [[white]] [[like]] [[wool]], Plin. 21, 20, 84, § 147.—Prov.: dii lanatos [[pedes]] habent, i. e. the [[vengeance]] of the gods [[comes]] [[noiselessly]], Petr. 44 fin.>
|lshtext=<b>lānātus</b>: a, um, adj. [[lana]],<br /><b>I</b> furnished [[with]] [[wool]], [[bearing]] [[wool]], [[woolly]] ([[mostly]] [[poet]]. and [[post]]-Aug.).<br /><b>I</b> Lit.: lanatae oves, i. e. [[unshorn]], Col. 7, 3, 2: pelles, id. 6, 2, 4: de lanata pelle, Veg. 3, 7, 1; 5, 42, 2: animalia, Juv. 15, 11.—Subst.: lānātae, ārum, f., [[wool]]-bearers, for [[sheep]], Juv. 8, 155.—<br /><b>II</b> Transf.: [[vitis]], [[downy]], [[covered]] [[with]] [[down]], Col. 3, 2: [[mala]], Plin. 15, 14, 14, § 48: [[lupus]], [[soft]] [[like]] [[wool]], id. 9, 17, 28, § 61.—Comp.: folia lanatiore canitie, [[white]] [[like]] [[wool]], Plin. 21, 20, 84, § 147.—Prov.: dii lanatos [[pedes]] habent, i. e. the [[vengeance]] of the gods [[comes]] [[noiselessly]], Petr. 44 fin.>
|gf=(1) <b>lānātus</b>,¹⁴ a, um ([[lana]]), couvert de laine, laineux : Col. Rust. 7, 3, 2 ; Veg. Mul. 2, 7, 1 ; v. [[lanata]] || duveteux, couvert de duvet : Col. Rust. 2, 2 ; Plin. 15, 48 || [[dii]] lanatos [[pedes]] habent, les dieux ont les pieds entravés, c.-à-d. sont lents, soit à secourir ( Petr. 44, 18 ), soit à punir ( Pomp. Porphyr. Hor. O. 3, 2, 31 ). || lanatior Plin. 21, 147 || [[lupi]] qui appellantur lanati a candore mollitiaque [[carnis]] Plin. 9, 6, brochets, appelés laineux à cause de leur chair blanche et tendre.