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Cras amet qui numquam amavit quique amavit cras amet → May he love tomorrow who has never loved before; And may he who has loved, love tomorrow as well.
-ου• Alolema(s): jón. -ιήτης Hdt.9.92apoloniata oriundo o habitante de Apolonia•de Ἀπολλωνία 1, Hdt.9.92•de Ἀπολλωνία 3, X.HG 5.2.13•de Ἀπολλωνία 5, Plb.2.9.8, D.S.19.70, Plu.Brut.26, St.Byz.s.u. Ἀπολλωνία•de Ἀπολλωνία 7, D.L.6.81•de Ἀπολλωνία 24, D.S.16.72.