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μηδενί δίκην δικάσῃς πρίν ἀμφοῖν μῦθον ἀκούσῃς → do not give your judgement on anything until you have heard a speech on both sides


Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

thlasĭas: ae, m., = θλασίας (the crushed),
I one made a eunuch by bruising; called also thlibĭas, = θλιβίας (the pressed), Dig. 50, 16, 128; 48, 8, 5.

Latin > German (Georges)

thlasiās, ae, m. (θλασίας) u. thlibiās, ae, m. (θλιβίας), der durch Quetschung Entmannte, beide als Arten der spadones, Ulp. dig. 50, 16, 128: thlibias facere, durch Quetschung entmannen, Paul. dig. 48, 8, 5.