Cuscuta epithymum
Θησαυρός ἐστι τῶν κακῶν κακὴ γυνή → Ingens mali thesaurus est mulier mala → Ein Schatz an allem Schlechten ist ein schlechtes Weib
Wikipedia EN
Cuscuta epithymum (dodder, lesser dodder, hellweed, strangle-tare) is a parasitic plant assigned to the family Cuscutaceae or Convolvulaceae, depending on the taxonomy. It is red-pigmented, not being photosynthetically active. It has a filiform habit, like a group of yarns. Its leaves are very small, like flakes. Its flowers, disposed in little glomerules, have a white corolla, with the androecium welded to the corolla.
In Eurasia, this species of dodder would often attach itself to the Conehead thyme (Thymus capitatus), taking on the plant's pungency and from whence it also derived its host's Arabic name, al-ṣaʿitrah. During medieval times, dodder was often used as a medicinal cure in treating depression, but causes thirst and dryness of the mouth when consumed.
Wikipedia DE
Die Quendel-Seide (Cuscuta epithymum) ist ein Vollschmarotzer aus der Gattung Seide (Cuscuta) in der Familie der Windengewächse (Convolvulaceae).
Wikipedia IT
Cuscuta epithymum è una pianta parassita della famiglia delle Convolvulaceae
Wikipedia FR
La Cuscute du thym, Cuscute à petites fleurs (Cuscuta epithymum), encore appelée petite cuscute est une plante herbacée de la famille des Convolvulaceae.
Wikipedia RU
Повили́ка тимья́новая, или Повилика тимья́нная, или Повилика кле́верная (лат. Cuscúta epithýmum) — паразитическое растение; вид рода Повилика семейства Вьюнковые (Convolvulaceae).
ar: حامول صعتري; be: павітуха чаборавая; cy: llindag; de: Quendel-seide; et: liivatee-võrm; eu: kuskula; fa: سس شبدری; fi: apilanvieras; fr: cuscute du thym; hy: գաղձ սովորական; lt: smulkusis brantas; nds_nl: klein duvelsneigaoren; nl: klein warkruid; no: timiansnyltetråd; pl: kanianka macierzankowa; ru: повилика тимьяновая; sv: ljungsnärja; uk: повитиця чебрецева