ἀρχὴ δέ τοι ἥμισυ παντός
πενία μόνα τὰς τέχνας ἐγείρει → poverty alone promotes skilled work, necessity is the mother of invention, necessity is the mother of all invention, poverty is the mother of invention, out of necessity comes invention, out of necessity came invention, frugality is the mother of invention
well begun is half done
Chinese Mandarin: 好的開始是成功的一半, 好的开始是成功的一半; Danish: godt begyndt er halvt fuldendt; Dutch: een goed begin is het halve werk; Finnish: hyvin aloitettu on puoliksi tehty; English: the beginning is a half of the whole, the beginning is half of the whole, a good beginning is half the whole, a beginning is half the whole, well begun, half done, well begun is half done; German: frisch gewagt ist halb gewonnen; Greek: η αρχή είναι το ήμισυ του παντός; Ancient Greek: ἡ ἀρχὴ ἥμισυ παντός, ἀρχὴ δέ τοι ἥμισυ παντός, ἀρχὴ ἥμισυ παντός; Hungarian: a jó kezdet fél siker; Italian: chi ben comincia è a metà dell'opera; Korean: 시작이 반이다; Latin: dimidium facti, qui coepit, habet; Polish: dobry początek to połowa roboty; Portuguese: um bom começo é a metade; Russian: хорошее начало полдела откачало; Spanish: obra empezada, medio acabada