τὸ πεπρωμένον φυγεῖν ἀδύνατον → you can't escape your destiny | there is no escaping from destiny | it's impossible to escape from what is destined | it is impossible to escape from what is destined | what is fated is impossible to escape | if you're born to be hanged, then you'll never be drowned | he that is born to be hanged shall never be drowned | if you are born to be hanged then you'll never be drowned | if you're born to be hanged then you'll never be drowned| you can't outrun your fate | you cannot outrun your fate | you can't stop fate | that's the way the cookie crumbles
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
toil, labour: P. and V. πόνος, ὁ, Ar. and V. μόχθος, ὁ, V. μοχθήματα, τά, ἆθλος, ὁ, κάματος, ὁ.
thing made: P. and V. ἔργον, τό, V. ὄργανον, τό, πόνος, ὁ.
work of art: Ar. and P. σκεῦος, τό, V. τέχνη, ἡ, τέχνημα, τό, P. ἐργασία, ἡ.
duty, function: P. and V. ἔργον, τό; see duty.
handicraft: P. and V. τέχνη, ἡ, Ar. and P. χειρουργία, ἡ, P. χειροτεχνία, ἡ, V. χειρωναξία, ἡ.
occupation: P. ἐργασία, ἡ, πραγματεία, ἡ, ἐπιτήδευμα, τό, Ar. and P. διατριβή, ἡ. P. and V. σπουδή, ἡ.
needlework: P. and V. ποίκιλμα, τό; embroidery.
composition, writing: P. σύγγραμμα, τό.
set to work: see under set.
military works, earthwork: P. and V. ἔρυμα, τό; see defences.
mound: P. χῶμα, τό, χοῦς, ὁ, πρόσχωσις, ἡ.
verb transitive
mould, fashion: P. and V. πλάσσειν.
knead: P. and V. ὀργάζειν; (Sophocles, Fragment).
cultivate (the soil): P. ἐργάζεσθαι, ἐξεργάζεσθαι, P. and V. γεωργεῖν; (Euripides, Rhesus 176, absol.), V. γαπονεῖν; (Euripides, Rhesus 75).
work a mine: P. ἐργάζεσθαι μέταλλον (Dem. 977).
work (stone or other materials): P. ἐργάζεσθαι.
make by work: P. and V. ἐργάζεσθαι, ἐξεργάζεσθαι, ἐκπονεῖν, V. ἐκμοχθεῖν, Ar. and P. ἀπεργάζεσθαι.
cause, bring about: P. and V. μηχανᾶσθαι, ποιεῖν, P. ἀπεργάζεσθαι, V. τεύχειν; see contrive.
produce: P. and V. γεννᾶν, τίκτειν (Plato), V. φυτεύειν, φιτύειν; see produce.
embroider: P. and V. ποικίλλειν, P. καταποικίλλειν.
he works his auger with double thongs: V. διπλοῖν χαλινοῖν τρύπανον κωπηλατεῖ (Euripides, Cyclops 461).
verb intransitive labour: P. and V. ἐργάζεσθαι, πονεῖν, ἐκπονεῖν, κάμνειν (rare P.), μοχθεῖν (rare P.).
be an artisan: P. δημιουργεῖν.
avail, do good: P. and V. ὠφελεῖν; see avail.
work at: P. and V. ἐργάζεσθαι; (acc.), σπουδάζειν (acc.), διαπονεῖν (acc.), V. πονεῖν; (acc.) (rare P.), μοχθεῖν (acc.).
work for (on behalf of): V. ὑπερκάμνειν; (gen.), προκάμνειν (gen.), ὑπερπονεῖσθαι (gen.).
work one's way: see advance.
work out: P. and V. ἐκπονεῖν; (or mid.) (acc.), ἐξεργάζεσθαι (acc.), διαπονεῖν (or mid.) (acc.), V. ἐκμοχθεῖν; (acc.), Ar. and P. ἀπεργάζεσθαι (acc.).
come to the end of: V. ἀντλεῖν, ἐξαντλεῖν, διαντλεῖν.
work round, come round: μεθίστασθαι, περιίστασθαι, περιέρχεσθαι.
work round in the rear of an enemy: P. περιιέναι κατὰ νώτου (Thuc. 4, 36).
work up: Ar. and P. ἀπεργάζεσθαι (acc. ), P. and V. σπουδάζειν; (acc.), ἐκπονεῖν (acc.).
work upon, turn to account: P. and V. χρῆσθαι; (dat.); see influence.
he so worked upon the jury that they would not even hear a word from us: P. οὕτω διέθηκε τοὺς δικαστὰς ὥστε φωνὴν μηδ' ἡντινοῦν ἐθέλειν ἀκούειν ἡμῶν (Dem. 1103).
work with others: P. and V. συμπονεῖν; (dat.) (Xen.), V. συμμοχθεῖν; (dat.), συγκάμνειν (dat.).