ἐνέχω: Difference between revisions

2,116 bytes added ,  29 September 2017
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|txtha=[[imperfect]] [[ἐνεῖχον]]; ([[present]] [[passive]] ἐνέχομαι); to [[have]] [[within]], to [[hold]] in;<br /><b class="num">a.</b> [[passive]] to be held, be entangled, be held ensnared, [[with]] a dative of the [[thing]] in [[which]] [[one]] is held [[captive]] — [[very]] [[often]] in Greek writings, [[both]] [[literally]] (as τῇ [[πάγη]], [[Herodotus]] 2,121, 2) and [[figuratively]] (as [[ἀγγελία]], [[Pindar]] [[Pythagoras]] 8,69; [[φιλοτιμία]], [[Euripides]], Iph. A. 527; κακῷ, [[Epictetus]] diss. 3,22, 93): ζυγῷ δουλείας, θλίψεσιν, WH marginal [[reading]]) (ἀσεβείαις, [[ἐνέχω]] τίνι, to be enraged [[with]], [[set]] [[oneself]] [[against]], [[hold]] a [[grudge]] [[against]] [[someone]]: χόλον τίνι to [[have]] [[anger]] in [[oneself]] [[against]] [[another]]) in [[Herodotus]] 1,118; 8,27; 6,119; [[see]] a [[similar]] ellipsis [[under]] [[προσέχω]]. (In [[this]] [[last]] [[case]] the ellipsis supplied is [[τόν]] [[νοῦν]], Winer s Grammar, 593 (552); Buttmann, 144 (126); Meyer, et al., would [[supply]] the [[same]] [[after]] ἐνέχειν in Mark and Luke the passages cited and [[render]] the [[phrase]] to [[have]] (an [[eye]]) on, [[watch]] [[with]] [[hostility]]; [[but]] DeWette, Bleek, others, [[agree]] [[with]] Grimm. Many [[take]] the [[expression]] in Luke , the [[passage]] cited [[outwardly]], to [[press]] [[upon]] (R. V. [[text]]); [[see]] Stephanus Thesaurus, [[under]] the [[word]]; Liddell and Scott, [[under]] the [[word]]; Hesychius ἐνέχει. μνησικακεῖ. ἔγκειται.)  
|txtha=[[imperfect]] [[ἐνεῖχον]]; ([[present]] [[passive]] ἐνέχομαι); to [[have]] [[within]], to [[hold]] in;<br /><b class="num">a.</b> [[passive]] to be held, be entangled, be held ensnared, [[with]] a dative of the [[thing]] in [[which]] [[one]] is held [[captive]] — [[very]] [[often]] in Greek writings, [[both]] [[literally]] (as τῇ [[πάγη]], [[Herodotus]] 2,121, 2) and [[figuratively]] (as [[ἀγγελία]], [[Pindar]] [[Pythagoras]] 8,69; [[φιλοτιμία]], [[Euripides]], Iph. A. 527; κακῷ, [[Epictetus]] diss. 3,22, 93): ζυγῷ δουλείας, θλίψεσιν, WH marginal [[reading]]) (ἀσεβείαις, [[ἐνέχω]] τίνι, to be enraged [[with]], [[set]] [[oneself]] [[against]], [[hold]] a [[grudge]] [[against]] [[someone]]: χόλον τίνι to [[have]] [[anger]] in [[oneself]] [[against]] [[another]]) in [[Herodotus]] 1,118; 8,27; 6,119; [[see]] a [[similar]] ellipsis [[under]] [[προσέχω]]. (In [[this]] [[last]] [[case]] the ellipsis supplied is [[τόν]] [[νοῦν]], Winer s Grammar, 593 (552); Buttmann, 144 (126); Meyer, et al., would [[supply]] the [[same]] [[after]] ἐνέχειν in Mark and Luke the passages cited and [[render]] the [[phrase]] to [[have]] (an [[eye]]) on, [[watch]] [[with]] [[hostility]]; [[but]] DeWette, Bleek, others, [[agree]] [[with]] Grimm. Many [[take]] the [[expression]] in Luke , the [[passage]] cited [[outwardly]], to [[press]] [[upon]] (R. V. [[text]]); [[see]] Stephanus Thesaurus, [[under]] the [[word]]; Liddell and Scott, [[under]] the [[word]]; Hesychius ἐνέχει. μνησικακεῖ. ἔγκειται.)  
|mltxt=(AM [[ἐνέχω]]) [[έχω]]<br /><b>1.</b> <b>μέσ.</b> έχω [[ενοχή]] σε [[κάτι]], [[είμαι]] [[ένοχος]], [[είμαι]] μπλεγμένος σε κολάσιμη [[πράξη]] («ενέχεται σε φόνο»)<br /><b>2.</b> [[είμαι]] [[υπεύθυνος]], [[συμμετέχω]] στην [[ευθύνη]]<br /><b>νεοελλ.</b><br />[[εμπεριέχω]], [[κρύβω]] [[μέσα]] μου («το [[γεγονός]] ενέχει κινδύνους»)<br /><b>αρχ.</b><br /><b>1.</b> (με δοτ. προσ. και αιτ. πράγμ.) [[διατηρώ]] [[εναντίον]] κάποιου [[οργή]], [[μίσος]], δυσμενή [[διάθεση]] κ.λπ. («Ἀστυάγης δε κρύπτων τὸν οἱ ἐνεῑχε χόλον», <b>Ηρόδ.</b>)<br /><b>2.</b> [[μνησικακώ]], έχω [[έχθρα]] [[εναντίον]] κάποιου, οργίζομαι, φέρομαι προσβλητικά<br /><b>3.</b> (με εμπρόθ. τοπ. προσδ.) [[εισχωρώ]], [[εισέρχομαι]] [[κάπου]] («[[ὅπως]] ἅν εἰς τὸν κόλπον... αἱ αὐγαὶ τοῡ φέγγους ὡς [[μάλιστα]] ἐνέχωσιν», <b>Ξεν.</b>)<br /><b>4.</b> <b>παθ.</b> δεσμεύομαι από [[κάτι]], εμπλέκομαι σε [[κάτι]] («τῇ πάγῃ ένέχεσθαι, <b>Ηρόδ.</b>)<br /><b>5.</b> <b>παθ.</b> [[εμπίπτω]], [[περιέρχομαι]] σε [[κάτι]], καταλαμβάνομαι από [[κάτι]] («φιλοτιμίᾳ ἐνέχεται», <b>Ευρ.</b>)<br /><b>6.</b> [[υπόκειμαι]] σε [[κάτι]]<br /><b>7.</b> (ως δικαν. όρος) καταδικάζομαι ως [[ένοχος]] («ἐνεχέσθω τῇ τεταγμένῃ ζημίᾳ», <b>Πλάτ.</b>)<br /><b>8.</b> [[στέκομαι]] σε μια [[θέση]], [[σταματώ]], [[μένω]] («ἐν δέ [[ταύτη]] πως ἐνέσχετο» — σ' αυτήν όμως στάθηκε, σταμάτησε [[κάπως]], <b>Πλάτ.</b>).