centurio: Difference between revisions

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|lnetxt=centurio centuriare, centuriavi, centuriatus V TRANS :: arrange/assign (soldiers) in military centuries; divide land into centuriae<br />centurio centurio centurionis N M :: centurion, captain/commander of a century/company
|lshtext=<b>centŭrĭo</b>: (in [[many]] inscriptions [[before]] the [[time]] of Quintilian [[erroneously]] aspirated chenturio, [[like]]<br /><b>I</b> choronae, [[prae]]chones, etc., Quint. 1, 5, 20; cf. the [[letter]] C), ōnis, m. ([[access]]. form centŭrĭōnus, [[like]] curionus and [[decurionus]], acc. to Fest. p. 49 Müll.) [[centuria]], II.], the [[commander]] of a [[century]], a [[captain]], [[centurion]], occupying a [[station]] [[below]] the [[tribunus]], Caes. B. G. 1, 40; 2, 25; 6, 39; Cic. Balb. 15, 34; Sall. J. 59, 3; Liv. 2, 27, 6; 7, 41, 5; Hor. S. 1, 6, 73; cf. Dict. of Antiq.<br /><b>centŭrĭo</b>: āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [[centuria]],<br /><b>I</b> to [[divide]] [[into]] centuries (acc. to [[centuria]], I.).<br /><b>I</b> Of [[land]]: agrum, Hyg. Lim. p. 195 Goes.; cf. Fest. p. 53 Müll.—<br /><b>II</b> Of the [[army]] ([[only]] of [[infantry]]; cf. [[decurio]]), to [[arrange]] in centuries, [[assign]] to companies: cum homines in tribunali Aurelio [[palam]] conscribi centuriarique vidissem, Cic. Red. Quir. 5, 13: rem gerit [[palam]] ([[Octavius]]); centuriat Capuae; dinumerat. Jam jamque vides [[bellum]], id. Att. 16, 9 fin.: juventutem, Liv. 25, 15, 9: seniores [[quoque]], id. 6, 2, 6; 29, 1, 2: equites decuriati, centuriati pedites, id. 22, 38, 3; so id. 10, 21, 4: Juventus Romana... equis delapsa se ipsam centuriavit, i. e. reduced to [[infantry]], Val. Max. 3, 2, n. 8: [[mulus]] [[centuriatus]], for [[carrying]] provisions, Aur. ap. Vop. Aur. 7, 7.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> Facetiously: eripiam ego [[hodie]] concubinam militi, Si centuriati [[bene]] sunt maniplares mei, Plaut. Mil. 3, 2, 3; cf. id. Curc. 4, 4, 29.—<br /><b>III</b> Of the [[people]] in the [[meeting]] of the [[council]], [[only]] [[part]]. perf.: [[comitia]] centuriata, in [[which]] all the Roman [[people]] voted according to centuries (this [[was]] done in the [[choice]] of [[higher]] magistrates, in decisions in [[respect]] to [[war]] and [[peace]], and, [[until]] [[Sulla]]'s [[time]], in questions affecting [[life]] or [[citizenship]]; cf. [[Messala]] ap. Gell. 13, 15, 4; Lael. [[Felix]] ib. 15, 27, 4; Cic. Red. Sen. 11, 27), Cic. Leg. 3, 19, 44: [[quod]] ad populum centuriatis comitiis tulit, id. Phil. 1, 8, 19; Liv. 3, 55, 3; 8, 12, 15.—Facetiously: [[Pseudolus]] mihi centuriata capitis habuit [[comitia]], i. e. has sentenced me to [[death]], Plaut. Ps. 4, 7, 134 Lorenz ad loc.—Hence, P. a.: centŭrĭā-tus, a, um, of or belonging to the [[comitia]] centuriata: Centuriata lex, [[advised]] in the [[comitia]] centuriata, Cic. Agr. 2, 11, 26.
|lshtext=<b>centŭrĭo</b>: (in [[many]] inscriptions [[before]] the [[time]] of Quintilian [[erroneously]] aspirated chenturio, [[like]]<br /><b>I</b> choronae, [[prae]]chones, etc., Quint. 1, 5, 20; cf. the [[letter]] C), ōnis, m. ([[access]]. form centŭrĭōnus, [[like]] curionus and [[decurionus]], acc. to Fest. p. 49 Müll.) [[centuria]], II.], the [[commander]] of a [[century]], a [[captain]], [[centurion]], occupying a [[station]] [[below]] the [[tribunus]], Caes. B. G. 1, 40; 2, 25; 6, 39; Cic. Balb. 15, 34; Sall. J. 59, 3; Liv. 2, 27, 6; 7, 41, 5; Hor. S. 1, 6, 73; cf. Dict. of Antiq.<br /><b>centŭrĭo</b>: āvi, ātum, 1, v. a. [[centuria]],<br /><b>I</b> to [[divide]] [[into]] centuries (acc. to [[centuria]], I.).<br /><b>I</b> Of [[land]]: agrum, Hyg. Lim. p. 195 Goes.; cf. Fest. p. 53 Müll.—<br /><b>II</b> Of the [[army]] ([[only]] of [[infantry]]; cf. [[decurio]]), to [[arrange]] in centuries, [[assign]] to companies: cum homines in tribunali Aurelio [[palam]] conscribi centuriarique vidissem, Cic. Red. Quir. 5, 13: rem gerit [[palam]] ([[Octavius]]); centuriat Capuae; dinumerat. Jam jamque vides [[bellum]], id. Att. 16, 9 fin.: juventutem, Liv. 25, 15, 9: seniores [[quoque]], id. 6, 2, 6; 29, 1, 2: equites decuriati, centuriati pedites, id. 22, 38, 3; so id. 10, 21, 4: Juventus Romana... equis delapsa se ipsam centuriavit, i. e. reduced to [[infantry]], Val. Max. 3, 2, n. 8: [[mulus]] [[centuriatus]], for [[carrying]] provisions, Aur. ap. Vop. Aur. 7, 7.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> Facetiously: eripiam ego [[hodie]] concubinam militi, Si centuriati [[bene]] sunt maniplares mei, Plaut. Mil. 3, 2, 3; cf. id. Curc. 4, 4, 29.—<br /><b>III</b> Of the [[people]] in the [[meeting]] of the [[council]], [[only]] [[part]]. perf.: [[comitia]] centuriata, in [[which]] all the Roman [[people]] voted according to centuries (this [[was]] done in the [[choice]] of [[higher]] magistrates, in decisions in [[respect]] to [[war]] and [[peace]], and, [[until]] [[Sulla]]'s [[time]], in questions affecting [[life]] or [[citizenship]]; cf. [[Messala]] ap. Gell. 13, 15, 4; Lael. [[Felix]] ib. 15, 27, 4; Cic. Red. Sen. 11, 27), Cic. Leg. 3, 19, 44: [[quod]] ad populum centuriatis comitiis tulit, id. Phil. 1, 8, 19; Liv. 3, 55, 3; 8, 12, 15.—Facetiously: [[Pseudolus]] mihi centuriata capitis habuit [[comitia]], i. e. has sentenced me to [[death]], Plaut. Ps. 4, 7, 134 Lorenz ad loc.—Hence, P. a.: centŭrĭā-tus, a, um, of or belonging to the [[comitia]] centuriata: Centuriata lex, [[advised]] in the [[comitia]] centuriata, Cic. Agr. 2, 11, 26.
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|georg=(1) [[centurio]]<sup>1</sup>, āvī, ātum, āre ([[centuria]]), in od. [[nach]] Zenturien [[einteilen]], -[[abteilen]], u. [[zwar]] ([[nach]] [[centuria]] I-III): I) die Legionstruppen: c. iuventutem, Liv.: [[inter]] [[sese]] decuriati equites, centuriati [[pedites]] coniurabant, die [[Reiter]] in ihren Dekurien, das [[Fußvolk]] in seinen Zenturien, Liv.: [[iuventus]] [[Romana]]... equis delapsa se ipsam centuriavit, d.i. kämpfte zenturien-, kompagnienweise, Val. Max. – absol., centuriat Capuae, Cic. – Scherzh., eripiam [[ego]] [[hodie]] concubinam militi, si centuriati [[bene]] sunt ([[gut]] organisiert) maniplares mei, Plaut. mil. 815. – [[mulus]] [[centuriatus]], der [[jeder]] [[Zenturie]] zugeteilte Proviantmaulesel, der [[Maulesel]] der [[Zenturie]] ([[Kompagnie]]), Aurel. [[bei]] Vopisc. Aurel. 7. § 7. – II) die röm. [[Bürger]]; dah. [[comitia]] centuriata, die Zenturiatkomitien = die [[Versammlung]] [[des]] röm. Volkes, in denen es [[nach]] Zenturien stimmte ([[bei]] der [[Wahl]] der höhern Magistrate, [[bei]] Entschließungen [[über]] [[Krieg]] und Frieden, übb. [[bei]] allen bedeutenden Verhandlungen), Cic.: [[Pseudolus]] [[mihi]] centuriata habuit capitis [[comitia]], hat das [[Todesurteil]] [[über]] [[mein]] [[Dasein]] ausgesprochen, Plaut. Pseud. 1232. – centuriata [[lex]], in den Zenturiatkomitien [[beraten]], Cic. – III) Äcker, agrum, Gromat. vet. 120, 3 u. 204, 5.<br />'''(2)''' [[centurio]]<sup>2</sup>, ōnis, m. ([[centuria]]), der [[Befehlshaber]] [[einer]] [[Zenturie]], der [[Zenturio]], Cic. u.a.: c. [[classiarius]], Marinekapitän, Tac. ann. 14, 8 (u. so [[centurio]] ex triere Neptuno, Corp. inscr. Lat. 10, 3375): cohortes [[sibi]] quaeque centuriones legerunt, Liv. 3, 69, 8.
|georg=(1) [[centurio]]<sup>1</sup>, āvī, ātum, āre ([[centuria]]), in od. [[nach]] Zenturien [[einteilen]], -[[abteilen]], u. [[zwar]] ([[nach]] [[centuria]] I-III): I) die Legionstruppen: c. iuventutem, Liv.: [[inter]] [[sese]] decuriati equites, centuriati [[pedites]] coniurabant, die [[Reiter]] in ihren Dekurien, das [[Fußvolk]] in seinen Zenturien, Liv.: [[iuventus]] [[Romana]]... equis delapsa se ipsam centuriavit, d.i. kämpfte zenturien-, kompagnienweise, Val. Max. – absol., centuriat Capuae, Cic. – Scherzh., eripiam [[ego]] [[hodie]] concubinam militi, si centuriati [[bene]] sunt ([[gut]] organisiert) maniplares mei, Plaut. mil. 815. – [[mulus]] [[centuriatus]], der [[jeder]] [[Zenturie]] zugeteilte Proviantmaulesel, der [[Maulesel]] der [[Zenturie]] ([[Kompagnie]]), Aurel. [[bei]] Vopisc. Aurel. 7. § 7. – II) die röm. [[Bürger]]; dah. [[comitia]] centuriata, die Zenturiatkomitien = die [[Versammlung]] [[des]] röm. Volkes, in denen es [[nach]] Zenturien stimmte ([[bei]] der [[Wahl]] der höhern Magistrate, [[bei]] Entschließungen [[über]] [[Krieg]] und Frieden, übb. [[bei]] allen bedeutenden Verhandlungen), Cic.: [[Pseudolus]] [[mihi]] centuriata habuit capitis [[comitia]], hat das [[Todesurteil]] [[über]] [[mein]] [[Dasein]] ausgesprochen, Plaut. Pseud. 1232. – centuriata [[lex]], in den Zenturiatkomitien [[beraten]], Cic. – III) Äcker, agrum, Gromat. vet. 120, 3 u. 204, 5.<br />'''(2)''' [[centurio]]<sup>2</sup>, ōnis, m. ([[centuria]]), der [[Befehlshaber]] [[einer]] [[Zenturie]], der [[Zenturio]], Cic. u.a.: c. [[classiarius]], Marinekapitän, Tac. ann. 14, 8 (u. so [[centurio]] ex triere Neptuno, Corp. inscr. Lat. 10, 3375): cohortes [[sibi]] quaeque centuriones legerunt, Liv. 3, 69, 8.
|lnetxt=centurio centuriare, centuriavi, centuriatus V TRANS :: arrange/assign (soldiers) in military centuries; divide land into centuriae<br />centurio centurio centurionis N M :: centurion, captain/commander of a century/company