δρυὸς πεσούσης πᾶς ἀνὴρ ξυλεύεται
ξένῳ δὲ σιγᾶν κρεῖττον ἢ κεκραγέναι → it's better for a stranger to keep silence than to shout (Menander)
δρυὸς πεσούσης πᾶς ἀνὴρ ξυλεύεται (Μένανδρος, Γνῶμαι μονόστιχοι 123)
de: wenn der Baum gefallen ist, so macht ein jeder Holz; fr: quand l'arbre est tombé tout le monde court aux branches; en: when the oak falls, everyone cuts wood, when an oak has fallen, every man gathers wood, on the fall of an oak, every man gathers wood, when an oak has fallen, every man becomes a woodcutter, one takes advantage of somebody who has lost his strength, one takes advantage of somebody who has lost his power, when the tree is fallen, every man goes to it with his hatchet, the tree is felled, whoever wants picks the firewood; es: del árbol caído todos hacen leña; it: sopra l'albero caduto ognuno corre a far legna; la: arbore deiecta quiuis ligna colligit, arbore deiecta quiuis colligit ligna; nl: ; ru: мертвого льва и осел пинает, молодец против овец, а на молодца – сам овца