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ἐν πιθήκοις ὄντα δεῖ εἶναι πίθηκον → in Rome we do as the Romans do | when in Rome, do as the Romans do | when in Rome, do as the Romans | when in Rome, do like the Romans do | when in Rome | being among monkeys one has to be a monkey


Latin > English

adadunephros adadunephri N M :: precious stone; (Adad's - supreme god of Assyrians - kidney)

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

adadūnĕphros: = Ἀδάδου νεφρός (Adad's kidney), i, m. Adad,
I a certain precious stone, Plin. 37, 11, 71, § 186.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

ădădūnĕphrŏs, ī, m. (Ἀδάδου νεφρός), sorte de pierre précieuse : Plin. 37, 186.

Latin > Chinese

adadunephros, i. m. :: 寶石名