From LSJ
Woodhouse List of Abbreviations
- absol.
- Absolutely
- acc.
- Accusative
- act.
- Active
- adj.
- Adjective
- adv.
- Adverb
- Æsch.
- Æschylus
- Andoc.
- Andocides
- aor.
- Aorist
- Ar.
- Aristophanes
- Arist.
- Aristotle
- conj.
- Conjunction
- cp.
- Compare
- dat.
- Dative
- Dem.
- Demosthenes
- Eur.
- Euripides
- fem.
- Feminine
- frag.
- Fragment
- fut.
- Future
- gen.
- Genitive
- Hdt.
- Herodotus
- imperf.
- Imperfect
- indic.
- Indicative
- infin.
- Infinitive
- interj.
- Interjection
- intrans.
- Intransitive
- Isae.
- Isaeus
- Isoc.
- Isocrates
- lit.
- Literally
- Lys.
- Lysias
- masc.
- Masculine
- met.
- Metaphorically
- mid.
- Middle
- neut.
- Neuter
- opt.
- Optative
- P.
- Prose
- part.
- Participle
- perf.
- Perfect
- pl.
- Plural
- Plat.
- Plato
- prep.
- Preposition
- pres.
- Present
- pro.
- Pronoun
- sing.
- Singular
- Soph.
- Sophocles
- subj.
- Subjunctive
- subs.
- Substantive
- Thuc.
- Thucydides
- V.
- Verse
- v.
- Verb
- v. trans.
- Verb transitive
- v. intrans.
- Verb intransitive
- voc.
- Vocative
- Xen.
- Xenophon
Titles of Æschylus’ Plays
- Ag.
- Agamemnon
- Choe.
- Choephoroe
- Eum.
- Eumenides
- Pers.
- Persae
- P. V.
- Prometheus Vinctus
- Supp.
- Supplices
- Theb.
- Septem Contra Thebas
Titles of Aristophanes’ Plays
- Ach.
- Acharnians
- Αv.
- Aves
- Eccl.
- Ecclesiazusae
- Eq.
- Equites
- Lys.
- Lysistrata
- Nub.
- Nubes
- Pl.
- Plutus
- Ran.
- Ranae
- Thesm.
- Thesmophoriazusae
- Vesp.
- Vespae
Titles of Euripides’ Plays
- Alc.
- Alcestis
- And.
- Andromache
- Bacc.
- Bacchae
- Cycl.
- Cyclops
- El.
- Electra
- Неc.
- Hecuba
- Hel.
- Helen
- Heracl.
- Heraclidae
- H. F.
- Hercules Furens
- Hipp.
- Hippolytus
- I. A.
- Iphigenia in Aulis
- I. Τ.
- Iphigenia in Tauris
- Med.
- Medea
- Or.
- Orestes
- Phoen.
- Phoenissae
- Rhes.
- Rhesus
- Supp.
- Supplices
- Tro.
- Troades
Titles of Sophocles’ Plays
- Aj.
- Ajax
- Ant.
- Antigone
- El.
- Electra
- O. C.
- Œdipus Coloneus
- O. R.
- Œdipus Rex
- Phil.
- Philoctetes
- Trach.
- Trachiniae
Titles of Plato’s Dialogues
- Ap.
- Apology
- Alc. I.
- Alcibiades I
- Alc. II.
- Alcibiades II
- Charm.
- Charmides
- Crat.
- Cratylus
- Criti.
- Critias
- Euth.
- Euthyphro
- Euthy.
- Euthydemus
- Gorg.
- Gorgias
- Hipp. Maj.
- Hippias Major
- Hipp. Min.
- Hippias Minor
- Lach.
- Laches
- Legg.
- Leges
- Lys.
- Lysis
- Men.
- Meno
- Parm.
- Parmenides
- Phaedr.
- Phaedrus
- Phil.
- Philebus
- Pol.
- Politicus
- Prot.
- Protagoras
- Rep.
- Republic
- Soph.
- Sophista
- Symp.
- Symposium
- Theaet.
- Theaetetus
- Tim.
- Timaeus