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|lnetxt=excipio excipere, excepi, exceptus V :: take out; remove; follow; receive; ward off, relieve
|lshtext=<b>ex-cĭpĭo</b>: cēpi, ceptum, 3, v. a. [[capio]].<br /><b>I</b> (With the [[notion]] of the ex predominating.) To [[take]] or [[draw]] [[out]].<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>A</b> Lit. ([[rarely]]): aliquem e mari, to [[draw]] [[out]], [[fish]] [[out]], Cic. Fragm. ap. Non. 293, 26 (Rep. 4, 8, 8 Baiter): vidulum (e mari), Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 140 sq.: [[dens]] manu, forcipe, Cels. 7, 12, 1: [[telum]] (e vulnere), id. 7, 5, 1: [[clipeum]] cristasque rubentes Excipiam sorti, to [[withdraw]], [[exempt]], Verg. A. 9, 271.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> Trop.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In gen.: servitute [[exceptus]], withdrawn, i. e. rescued from [[slavery]], Liv. 33, 23, 2: [[nihil]] jam cupiditati, [[nihil]] libidini exceptum, [[exempt]], Tac. Agr. 15.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In partic.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>a</b> To [[except]], [[make]] an [[exception]] of (freq. and [[class]].): hosce ego homines [[excipio]] et [[secerno]] [[libenter]], Cic. Cat. 4, 7, 15: qui ([[Democritus]]) ita [[sit]] [[ausus]] ordiri: Haec [[loquor]] de universis. Nihil excipit, de quo non profiteatur, id. Ac. 2, 23, 73; cf. id. ib. 2, 9, 28: Lacedaemonii ipsi, cum omnia concedunt in amore juvenum [[praeter]] [[stuprum]], tenui [[sane]] [[muro]] dissaepiunt id, [[quod]] excipiunt, id. Rep. 4, 4: [[senex]] talos elidi jussit conservis meis: sed me excepit, Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 13.—With ne: [[Licinia]] lex, quae non [[modo]] eum, qui, etc.... sed [[etiam]] collegas ejus, cognatos, affines excipit, ne eis ea [[potestas]] curatiove mandetur, Cic. Agr. 2, 8, 21; so in [[legal]] limitations, id. ib. 2, 9, 24; id. Balb. 14, 32; see also [[exceptio]].—With ut, Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 9, 26: excepi de antiquis [[praeter]] Xenophanem neminem, id. Div. 1, 39, 87: ut in summis tuis laudibus excipiant unam iracundiam, id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 13, 37: dolia, in horreis defossa, si non sint [[nominatim]] in venditione excepta, etc., Dig. 18, 1, 76; so ib. 77.—In the abl. absol.: omnium mihi videor, exceptis, Crasse, [[vobis]] duobus, eloquentissimos audisse Ti. et C. Sempronios, [[you]] [[two]] [[excepted]], Cic. de Or. 1, 9, 38; cf.: vos [[hortor]], ut ita virtutem locetis, ut eā exceptā [[nihil]] [[amicitia]] praestabilius esse putetis, id. Lael. 27 fin.: exceptā sapientiā, id. ib. 6, 20. —Neutr. absol.: [[excepto]], [[quod]] non [[simul]] esses, [[cetera]] [[laetus]], Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 50: [[excepto]], si obscena nudis nominibus enuntientur, Quint. 8, 3, 38; Pers. 5, 90; Aug. Serm. 17, 3; 46, 2.—Hence,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(b)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Jurid. t. t., said of the [[defendant]], to [[except]], to [[make]] a [[legal]] [[exception]] to the [[plaintiff]]'s [[statement]]: [[verum]] est, [[quod]] qui excipit, probare debeat, [[quod]] excipitur, Dig. 22, 3, 9; so ib. 18: [[adversus]] aliquem, ib. 16, 1, 17 et saep.; cf. [[exceptio]] and the authorities [[there]] cited.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>b</b> In an [[oration]], a [[law]], etc., to [[express]] by [[name]], to [[make]] [[particular]] [[mention]] of, to [[state]] [[expressly]] ([[rare]], and perh. not anteAug.): cum Graecos [[Italia]] pellerent, excepisse medicos, Plin. 29, 1, 8, § 16: vites in [[tantum]] sublimes, ut [[vindemitor]] auctoratus rogum ac tumulum excipiat, [[expressly]] stipulates for (in [[case]] he should [[fall]] and [[break]] his [[neck]]), id. 14, 1, 3, § 10.<br /><b>II</b> (With the [[notion]] of the [[verb]] predominating.) To [[take]] a [[thing]] to one's [[self]] (in a [[good]] or [[bad]] [[sense]]), to [[catch]], [[capture]], [[take]], [[receive]].<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>A</b> Lit.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In gen.: sanguinem paterā, Cic. Brut. 11, 43; cf. Col. 9, 15, 9: e [[longinquo]] sucum, Plin. 25, 7, 38, § 78: labentem excepit, Cic. Rab. Post. 16, 43: se in [[pedes]], to [[take]] to one's feet, i. e. [[spring]] to the [[ground]], Liv. 4, 19, 4: filiorum extremum spiritum [[ore]], Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 45, § 118; cf.: tunicis fluentibus auras, Ov. A. A. 3, 301: omnium [[tela]], Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 72, § 177; so, [[tela]], Caes. B. G. 3, 5, 3: vulnera, Cic. Sest. 10, 23; cf.: [[vulnus]] [[ore]], Quint. 6, 3, 75; and: plagae [[genus]] in se, Lucr. 2, 810: o terram illam beatam, quae hunc virum exceperit! Cic. Mil. 38, 105; cf.: hunc (Mithridatem) in timore et [[fuga]] [[Tigranes]] excepit, id de. Imp. Pomp. 9, 23: aliquem benigno vultu, Liv. 30, 14, 3; cf. also: hic te [[polenta]] excipiet, Sen. Ep. 21 med.: aliquem epulis, Tac. G. 21: multos ex [[fuga]] dispersos excipiunt, Caes. B. G. 6, 35, 6. alios vagos per [[hiberna]] milites excipiebant, Liv. 33, 29, 2: [[speculator]], [[exceptus]] a juvenibus mulcatur, id. 40, 7, 4: cf. Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 23, 5: servos in pabulatione, Caes. B. G. 7, 20, 9: incautum, Verg. A. 3, 332: (uri) mansuefieri ne parvuli [[quidem]] excepti possunt, Caes. B. G. 6, 28, 4: aprum latitantem, Hor. C. 3, 12, 10: caprum insidiis, Verg. E. 3, 18: fugientes feras, Phaedr. 1, 11, 6: aprum, feram venabulo, Quint. 4, 2, 17; Sen. Prov. 2 et saep.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>b</b> Of [[inanimate]] subjects: [[postero]] [[die]] patenti itinere Priaticus [[campus]] eos excepit, [[received]] [[them]], Liv. 38, 41, 8: [[silva]] tum excepit ferum, Phaedr. 1, 12, 9; Quint. 2, 12, 2. —<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In partic.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>a</b> To [[come]] [[next]] to, to [[follow]] [[after]], [[succeed]] a [[thing]]: linguam ad radices ejus haerens excipit [[stomachus]], Cic. N. D. 2, 54, 135: [[quinque]] milia passuum proxima intercedere itineris campestris; [[inde]] excipere loca aspera et montuosa, Caes. B. C. 1, 66 fin.: alios alii [[deinceps]], id. B. G. 5, 16 fin.—Poet.: [[porticus]] excipiebat Arcton, i. e. [[was]] turned to the [[north]], looked [[towards]] the [[north]], Hor. C. 2, 15, 16.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>b</b> In medic. lang.: aliquid [[aliqua]] re, to [[take]] [[something]] in [[something]], i. e. [[mixed]] [[with]] [[something]]: quae (medicamenta) excipiuntur cerato ex [[rosa]] [[facto]], Cels. 5, 18, 20; 5, 25, 5; 6; 12 et saep.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> Trop.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In gen., to [[take]] or [[catch]] up, to [[intercept]]: [[genus]] divinationis naturale, [[quod]] [[animus]] arripit aut excipit [[extrinsecus]] ex divinitate, Cic. Div. 2, 11, 26; cf.: [[posteaquam]] vidit, illum excepisse laudem ex eo, [[quod]], i. e. obtained, id. Att. 1, 14, 3: subire coëgit et excipere pericula, to [[take]] [[upon]] one's [[self]], to [[receive]], [[support]], [[sustain]] (the [[figure]] [[being]] taken from the [[reception]] of an [[enemy]]'s blows or shots), Cic. Prov. Cons. 9, 23; cf.: [[Germani]] [[celeriter]] phalange facta [[impetus]] gladiorum exceperunt, Caes. B. G. 1, 52, 4; so, [[impetus]], id. B. C. 1, 58, 1: vim frigorum hiememque, Cic. Rab. Post. 15, 42: labores magnos, id. Brut. 69, 243 et saep.: excipimus nova [[illa]] cum favore et sollicitudine, [[receive]], Quint. 10, 1, 15: verba risu, id. 1, 2, 7: praecepta ad excipiendas hominum voluntates, for [[taking]] [[captive]], Cic. de Or. 2, 8, 32: invidiam, to [[draw]] [[upon]] one's [[self]], Nep. Dat. 5, 2.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>b</b> Of inanim. or abstr. subjects: quae (sublicae) cum omni opere conjunctae vim fluminis exciperent, Caes. B. G. 4, 17, 9; 3, 13, 1: [[quid]] reliquis accideret, qui quosque [[eventus]] exciperent, i. e. would [[befall]], [[overtake]] [[them]], Caes. B. C. 1, 21 fin.; Verg. A. 3, 318; Liv. 1, 53, 4.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In partic.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>a</b> To [[catch]] [[with]] the [[ear]], esp. [[eagerly]] or [[secretly]], to [[catch]] up, [[listen]] to, [[overhear]]: maledicto [[nihil]] facilius emittitur, [[nihil]] citius excipitur, Cic. Planc. 23, 57; id. Sest. 48, 102: assensu populi excepta vox consulis, Liv. 8, 6, 7: ad has excipiendas voces [[speculator]] [[missus]], id. 40, 7, 4; 2, 4, 5; 4, 30, 3: laudem avidissimis auribus excipit, Plin. Ep. 4, 19, 3: notis [[quoque]] excipere velocissime solitum, i. e. to [[write]] [[down]] in shorthand, Suet. Tit. 3: rumores, Cic. Deiot. 9, 25; cf. voces, Liv. 40, 7, 4: sermonem eorum, id. 2, 4, 5: furtivas notas, Ov. Am. 1, 4, 18.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>b</b> To [[follow]] [[after]], to [[succeed]] a [[thing]] in [[time]] or the [[order]] of [[succession]] (cf. [[above]], A. 2. a.): tristem hiemem [[pestilens]] [[aestas]] excepit, Liv. 5, 13, 4: Herculis vitam et virtutem [[immortalitas]] excepisse dicitur, Cic. Sest. 68, 143: violis succedit [[rosa]]: rosam cyanus excipit, cyanum [[amarantus]], Plin. 21, 11, 39, § 68: excipit Pompilium Numam [[Tullus]] [[Hostilius]], Flor. 1, 3, 1: hunc (locutum) [[Labienus]] excepit, Caes. B. C. 3, 87, 1.—Absol.: turbulentior [[inde]] [[annus]] excepit, succeeded, followed, Liv. 2, 61, 1; Caes. B. G. 7, 88, 2: re cognita [[tantus]] [[luctus]] excepit, ut, etc., id. B. C. 2, 7, 3.—Hence,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(b)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Transf.: aliquid, to [[continue]], [[prolong]] a [[thing]]: memoriam illius viri excipient omnes anni consequentes, Cic. de Sen. 6, 19; Liv. 38, 22, 3: [[vices]] alicujus, Just. 11, 5.— Poet. [[with]] inf., Sil. 13, 687.
|lshtext=<b>ex-cĭpĭo</b>: cēpi, ceptum, 3, v. a. [[capio]].<br /><b>I</b> (With the [[notion]] of the ex predominating.) To [[take]] or [[draw]] [[out]].<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>A</b> Lit. ([[rarely]]): aliquem e mari, to [[draw]] [[out]], [[fish]] [[out]], Cic. Fragm. ap. Non. 293, 26 (Rep. 4, 8, 8 Baiter): vidulum (e mari), Plaut. Rud. 4, 4, 140 sq.: [[dens]] manu, forcipe, Cels. 7, 12, 1: [[telum]] (e vulnere), id. 7, 5, 1: [[clipeum]] cristasque rubentes Excipiam sorti, to [[withdraw]], [[exempt]], Verg. A. 9, 271.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> Trop.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In gen.: servitute [[exceptus]], withdrawn, i. e. rescued from [[slavery]], Liv. 33, 23, 2: [[nihil]] jam cupiditati, [[nihil]] libidini exceptum, [[exempt]], Tac. Agr. 15.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In partic.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>a</b> To [[except]], [[make]] an [[exception]] of (freq. and [[class]].): hosce ego homines [[excipio]] et [[secerno]] [[libenter]], Cic. Cat. 4, 7, 15: qui ([[Democritus]]) ita [[sit]] [[ausus]] ordiri: Haec [[loquor]] de universis. Nihil excipit, de quo non profiteatur, id. Ac. 2, 23, 73; cf. id. ib. 2, 9, 28: Lacedaemonii ipsi, cum omnia concedunt in amore juvenum [[praeter]] [[stuprum]], tenui [[sane]] [[muro]] dissaepiunt id, [[quod]] excipiunt, id. Rep. 4, 4: [[senex]] talos elidi jussit conservis meis: sed me excepit, Plaut. Mil. 2, 2, 13.—With ne: [[Licinia]] lex, quae non [[modo]] eum, qui, etc.... sed [[etiam]] collegas ejus, cognatos, affines excipit, ne eis ea [[potestas]] curatiove mandetur, Cic. Agr. 2, 8, 21; so in [[legal]] limitations, id. ib. 2, 9, 24; id. Balb. 14, 32; see also [[exceptio]].—With ut, Cic. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 9, 26: excepi de antiquis [[praeter]] Xenophanem neminem, id. Div. 1, 39, 87: ut in summis tuis laudibus excipiant unam iracundiam, id. Q. Fr. 1, 1, 13, 37: dolia, in horreis defossa, si non sint [[nominatim]] in venditione excepta, etc., Dig. 18, 1, 76; so ib. 77.—In the abl. absol.: omnium mihi videor, exceptis, Crasse, [[vobis]] duobus, eloquentissimos audisse Ti. et C. Sempronios, [[you]] [[two]] [[excepted]], Cic. de Or. 1, 9, 38; cf.: vos [[hortor]], ut ita virtutem locetis, ut eā exceptā [[nihil]] [[amicitia]] praestabilius esse putetis, id. Lael. 27 fin.: exceptā sapientiā, id. ib. 6, 20. —Neutr. absol.: [[excepto]], [[quod]] non [[simul]] esses, [[cetera]] [[laetus]], Hor. Ep. 1, 10, 50: [[excepto]], si obscena nudis nominibus enuntientur, Quint. 8, 3, 38; Pers. 5, 90; Aug. Serm. 17, 3; 46, 2.—Hence,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(b)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Jurid. t. t., said of the [[defendant]], to [[except]], to [[make]] a [[legal]] [[exception]] to the [[plaintiff]]'s [[statement]]: [[verum]] est, [[quod]] qui excipit, probare debeat, [[quod]] excipitur, Dig. 22, 3, 9; so ib. 18: [[adversus]] aliquem, ib. 16, 1, 17 et saep.; cf. [[exceptio]] and the authorities [[there]] cited.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>b</b> In an [[oration]], a [[law]], etc., to [[express]] by [[name]], to [[make]] [[particular]] [[mention]] of, to [[state]] [[expressly]] ([[rare]], and perh. not anteAug.): cum Graecos [[Italia]] pellerent, excepisse medicos, Plin. 29, 1, 8, § 16: vites in [[tantum]] sublimes, ut [[vindemitor]] auctoratus rogum ac tumulum excipiat, [[expressly]] stipulates for (in [[case]] he should [[fall]] and [[break]] his [[neck]]), id. 14, 1, 3, § 10.<br /><b>II</b> (With the [[notion]] of the [[verb]] predominating.) To [[take]] a [[thing]] to one's [[self]] (in a [[good]] or [[bad]] [[sense]]), to [[catch]], [[capture]], [[take]], [[receive]].<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>A</b> Lit.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In gen.: sanguinem paterā, Cic. Brut. 11, 43; cf. Col. 9, 15, 9: e [[longinquo]] sucum, Plin. 25, 7, 38, § 78: labentem excepit, Cic. Rab. Post. 16, 43: se in [[pedes]], to [[take]] to one's feet, i. e. [[spring]] to the [[ground]], Liv. 4, 19, 4: filiorum extremum spiritum [[ore]], Cic. Verr. 2, 5, 45, § 118; cf.: tunicis fluentibus auras, Ov. A. A. 3, 301: omnium [[tela]], Cic. Verr. 2, 2, 72, § 177; so, [[tela]], Caes. B. G. 3, 5, 3: vulnera, Cic. Sest. 10, 23; cf.: [[vulnus]] [[ore]], Quint. 6, 3, 75; and: plagae [[genus]] in se, Lucr. 2, 810: o terram illam beatam, quae hunc virum exceperit! Cic. Mil. 38, 105; cf.: hunc (Mithridatem) in timore et [[fuga]] [[Tigranes]] excepit, id de. Imp. Pomp. 9, 23: aliquem benigno vultu, Liv. 30, 14, 3; cf. also: hic te [[polenta]] excipiet, Sen. Ep. 21 med.: aliquem epulis, Tac. G. 21: multos ex [[fuga]] dispersos excipiunt, Caes. B. G. 6, 35, 6. alios vagos per [[hiberna]] milites excipiebant, Liv. 33, 29, 2: [[speculator]], [[exceptus]] a juvenibus mulcatur, id. 40, 7, 4: cf. Planc. ap. Cic. Fam. 10, 23, 5: servos in pabulatione, Caes. B. G. 7, 20, 9: incautum, Verg. A. 3, 332: (uri) mansuefieri ne parvuli [[quidem]] excepti possunt, Caes. B. G. 6, 28, 4: aprum latitantem, Hor. C. 3, 12, 10: caprum insidiis, Verg. E. 3, 18: fugientes feras, Phaedr. 1, 11, 6: aprum, feram venabulo, Quint. 4, 2, 17; Sen. Prov. 2 et saep.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>b</b> Of [[inanimate]] subjects: [[postero]] [[die]] patenti itinere Priaticus [[campus]] eos excepit, [[received]] [[them]], Liv. 38, 41, 8: [[silva]] tum excepit ferum, Phaedr. 1, 12, 9; Quint. 2, 12, 2. —<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In partic.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>a</b> To [[come]] [[next]] to, to [[follow]] [[after]], [[succeed]] a [[thing]]: linguam ad radices ejus haerens excipit [[stomachus]], Cic. N. D. 2, 54, 135: [[quinque]] milia passuum proxima intercedere itineris campestris; [[inde]] excipere loca aspera et montuosa, Caes. B. C. 1, 66 fin.: alios alii [[deinceps]], id. B. G. 5, 16 fin.—Poet.: [[porticus]] excipiebat Arcton, i. e. [[was]] turned to the [[north]], looked [[towards]] the [[north]], Hor. C. 2, 15, 16.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>b</b> In medic. lang.: aliquid [[aliqua]] re, to [[take]] [[something]] in [[something]], i. e. [[mixed]] [[with]] [[something]]: quae (medicamenta) excipiuntur cerato ex [[rosa]] [[facto]], Cels. 5, 18, 20; 5, 25, 5; 6; 12 et saep.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> Trop.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In gen., to [[take]] or [[catch]] up, to [[intercept]]: [[genus]] divinationis naturale, [[quod]] [[animus]] arripit aut excipit [[extrinsecus]] ex divinitate, Cic. Div. 2, 11, 26; cf.: [[posteaquam]] vidit, illum excepisse laudem ex eo, [[quod]], i. e. obtained, id. Att. 1, 14, 3: subire coëgit et excipere pericula, to [[take]] [[upon]] one's [[self]], to [[receive]], [[support]], [[sustain]] (the [[figure]] [[being]] taken from the [[reception]] of an [[enemy]]'s blows or shots), Cic. Prov. Cons. 9, 23; cf.: [[Germani]] [[celeriter]] phalange facta [[impetus]] gladiorum exceperunt, Caes. B. G. 1, 52, 4; so, [[impetus]], id. B. C. 1, 58, 1: vim frigorum hiememque, Cic. Rab. Post. 15, 42: labores magnos, id. Brut. 69, 243 et saep.: excipimus nova [[illa]] cum favore et sollicitudine, [[receive]], Quint. 10, 1, 15: verba risu, id. 1, 2, 7: praecepta ad excipiendas hominum voluntates, for [[taking]] [[captive]], Cic. de Or. 2, 8, 32: invidiam, to [[draw]] [[upon]] one's [[self]], Nep. Dat. 5, 2.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>b</b> Of inanim. or abstr. subjects: quae (sublicae) cum omni opere conjunctae vim fluminis exciperent, Caes. B. G. 4, 17, 9; 3, 13, 1: [[quid]] reliquis accideret, qui quosque [[eventus]] exciperent, i. e. would [[befall]], [[overtake]] [[them]], Caes. B. C. 1, 21 fin.; Verg. A. 3, 318; Liv. 1, 53, 4.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In partic.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>a</b> To [[catch]] [[with]] the [[ear]], esp. [[eagerly]] or [[secretly]], to [[catch]] up, [[listen]] to, [[overhear]]: maledicto [[nihil]] facilius emittitur, [[nihil]] citius excipitur, Cic. Planc. 23, 57; id. Sest. 48, 102: assensu populi excepta vox consulis, Liv. 8, 6, 7: ad has excipiendas voces [[speculator]] [[missus]], id. 40, 7, 4; 2, 4, 5; 4, 30, 3: laudem avidissimis auribus excipit, Plin. Ep. 4, 19, 3: notis [[quoque]] excipere velocissime solitum, i. e. to [[write]] [[down]] in shorthand, Suet. Tit. 3: rumores, Cic. Deiot. 9, 25; cf. voces, Liv. 40, 7, 4: sermonem eorum, id. 2, 4, 5: furtivas notas, Ov. Am. 1, 4, 18.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>b</b> To [[follow]] [[after]], to [[succeed]] a [[thing]] in [[time]] or the [[order]] of [[succession]] (cf. [[above]], A. 2. a.): tristem hiemem [[pestilens]] [[aestas]] excepit, Liv. 5, 13, 4: Herculis vitam et virtutem [[immortalitas]] excepisse dicitur, Cic. Sest. 68, 143: violis succedit [[rosa]]: rosam cyanus excipit, cyanum [[amarantus]], Plin. 21, 11, 39, § 68: excipit Pompilium Numam [[Tullus]] [[Hostilius]], Flor. 1, 3, 1: hunc (locutum) [[Labienus]] excepit, Caes. B. C. 3, 87, 1.—Absol.: turbulentior [[inde]] [[annus]] excepit, succeeded, followed, Liv. 2, 61, 1; Caes. B. G. 7, 88, 2: re cognita [[tantus]] [[luctus]] excepit, ut, etc., id. B. C. 2, 7, 3.—Hence,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(b)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Transf.: aliquid, to [[continue]], [[prolong]] a [[thing]]: memoriam illius viri excipient omnes anni consequentes, Cic. de Sen. 6, 19; Liv. 38, 22, 3: [[vices]] alicujus, Just. 11, 5.— Poet. [[with]] inf., Sil. 13, 687.
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|georg=ex-cipio, cēpī, ceptum, ere (ex u. [[capio]]), I) [[herausnehmen]], -[[ziehen]], 1) eig.: alqm e mari, Cic.: [[telum]] e vulnere, Cels. – 2) übtr., a) [[ausnehmen]], eine [[Ausnahme]] [[machen]] [[mit]] usw., alqd od. alqm, Cic.: [[excepto]] [[Cicerone]], Sen. rhet.: hāc regiā causā exceptā, Cic.: m. Dat., [[dum]] [[sapiens]] iniuriae excipitur, [[wenn]] der W. [[von]] Beeinträchtigung [[ausgenommen]] wird, Sen. de const. sap. 9, 4; vgl. Tac. Agr. 15. – exc. alqm u. excipi m. folg. ne u. Konj., Cic. de [[lege]] agr. 2, 21 u. 24. Quint. 5, 12, 14: [[non]] excipi m. folg. [[quominus]] u. Konj., Cic. de [[lege]] agr. 2, 24. – [[excepto]], [[quod]] etc., [[ausgenommen]] usw., Hor. u. Quint.: [[ebenso]] [[excepto]], si etc., Pers. – b) [[sich]] [[ausbedingen]], die [[Bedingung]] [[machen]], [[verordnen]], [[bestimmen]], [[lex]] exciperet, ut etc., Cic.: in foederibus exceptum est, ne etc., Cic.: [[rogum]] ac [[tumulum]] excipere, [[sich]] [[ausbedingen]], Plin.: excepisse medicos, [[haben]] die Ärzte [[ausdrücklich]] [[benannt]], Plin. – c) eine gerichtliche [[Einwendung]] [[machen]], [[adversus]] alqm, ICt.: de [[dolo]] servi, ICt.: societatem periculi, [[dagegen]] [[anführen]], dagegensetzen, ICt.<br />'''II)''' [[aufnehmen]], [[auffangen]], A) Lebl.: 1) [[mit]] einem Gefäße usw. [[auffangen]], sanguinem paterā, Cic.: [[spiritum]] alcis ore [[suo]], Cic.: sanguinem ore, Sen.: [[tela]] [[clipeo]], Curt. – 2) [[mit]] einem Gegenstande [[stützen]], [[unterstützen]], [[corpus]] [[clipeo]], Curt.: [[deficiens]] [[caput]] [[clipeo]] [[paulisper]], [[auf]] den Sch. [[lehnen]], Curt. – 3) [[mit]] dem [[Gehör]] [[auffangen]], wegschnappen, wegkriegen, [[abhorchen]], [[belauschen]], [[auf]] etw. [[lauschen]], Cic. u.a. (s. Drak. Liv. 40, 7, 4). – 4) [[mit]] dem Leibe [[aufnehmen]] = [[bekommen]], a) eig.: vulnera, Cic., plagam in se, Lucr.: [[tela]], Cic.: impetum (hostium), [[aushalten]], Caes. – b) übtr., α) [[auf]] od. [[über]] [[sich]] [[nehmen]], [[übernehmen]], labores magnos, Cic.: pericula, impetum, Cic.: invidiam, Nep.: laudem ex alqa re, Cic.: has partes, Nep.: magnae quaestionis [[pondus]] ([[Last]]), Tac. dial.: rem publicam (ihre [[Verteidigung]]), Liv.: cognitionem (die [[Untersuchung]]), Tac. – β) [[auf]] [[sich]] [[nehmen]], [[ertragen]], [[erleiden]], graves [[ictus]] [[pro]] pudicis coniugibus, Hor.: [[iugum]], Curt.: omnem iram hostium [[suis]] capitibus, Liv.: omnem [[diu]] collectam vim improborum, Cic. – 5) [[mit]] der [[Feder]], [[nachschreiben]], dictante [[aliquo]] [[versus]], Suet.: orationem, Suet.: verba nostra, Augustin.: absol., notis velocissime excipere [[solitum]] [[esse]], Suet.<br />'''B)''' leb. [[Wesen]]: 1) [[einen]] Sinkenden od. Fallenwollenden [[auffangen]], moribundum, Liv.: se pedibus od. od. in [[pedes]], [[auf]] die Füße zu [[stehen]] [[kommen]], Curt. u. Liv.: se poplitibus, [[sich]] [[auf]] die [[Knie]] [[niederlassen]], Curt. (u. so [[corpus]] poplitibus exceptum, [[auf]] die [[Knie]] gesunken, Curt.): exc. se in genua, [[sich]] [[auf]] den Knien [[erhalten]], -[[fortschleppen]], Sen. – 2) [[feindlich]] [[auffangen]], wegfangen, [[gefangen]] [[nehmen]], a) eig.: [[servos]] in pabulatione, Caes.: bestias, Caes.: aprum latitantem, Hor.: caprum insidiis, Verg. – b) übtr., gleichs. erhaschen, voluntates ([[Zuneigung]]) hominum, Cic. de or. 2, 32.<br />III) [[empfangen]], [[aufnehmen]], A) eig., leb. [[Wesen]]: 1) [[mit]] Beifallsbezeigungen [[aller]] [[Art]], [[aufnehmen]], excipi ab omnibus clamore, Cic.: exc. alqm festis vocibus, Tac.: exc. plausu pavidos, Verg. – 2) [[bei]] [[sich]] [[aufnehmen]], a) v. Pers. = [[beherbergen]], [[bewirten]], alqm, [[Komik]]., Cic. u.a.: alqm hospitio, Ov., [[hospitaliter]], Curt. – b) v. Örtl. usw., ut [[eam]] patriam dicimus, [[ubi]] nati, et illam, [[ubi]] excepti sumus, Cic.: excepere alios tecta barbarorum, alios [[castra]], Curt.: [[sed]] [[lupanar]] excepit (virginem), Sen. rhet.: [[silva]] tum excepit ferum, Phaedr.: [[Cassius]] [[exceptus]] scaphā refugit, Caes. – v. Orten, an denen [[man]] vorübersegelt, [[huc]] egressos [[aequor]] Atlanticum excipit, [[Mela]]: [[quod]] ([[promunturium]]) praetervectos [[sinus]] excipit, [[Mela]]. – 3) [[mit]] einem Geschosse gleichs. feindl. [[empfangen]] = [[angreifen]], [[auffangen]], a) übh.: [[Orestes]] excipit incautum, Verg.: feram irruentem venabulo, Sen. – b) prägn., [[treffen]], [[erlegen]], aves, Curt.: alqm in [[latus]], [[verwunden]], Verg.<br />'''B)''' übtr.: 1) [[mit]] den Sinnen [[aufnehmen]] und [[zwar]]: a) [[mit]] dem [[Gehör]] = [[vernehmen]], [[hören]], [[motus]] futuros, Verg.: laudes alcis avidissimis auribus, Plin. ep. – b) in das [[Urteil]] [[aufnehmen]], = in einem bestimmten Sinne [[auffassen]], [[nehmen]], [[auslegen]], sententiam suam... gravius, [[atque]] [[ipse]] sensisset, exceptam, Suet.: exc. alqd [[comiter]], Tac.: assensu populi excepta [[vox]], Liv. – 2) v. Zuständen, jmd. [[erwarten]], jmds. [[warten]], jmd. [[unmittelbar]] [[treffen]], jmd. in [[Anspruch]] (in [[Beschlag]]) [[nehmen]], [[quis]] te [[casus]] excipit? Verg.: [[qui]] quosque [[eventus]] exciperent, Caes.: excipit [[eum]] [[deinde]] lentius spe [[bellum]], Liv.: maestum regem [[alius]] [[haud]] [[levis]] [[dolor]] excipit, Curt.: excepere [[eum]] voluptates, Curt. – 3) v. der [[Zeit]], jmd. [[aufnehmen]], cum [[autem]] virgunculam rudem et edentulam [[septimus]] aetatis [[annus]] exceperat, [[als]] [[aber]] das usw. [[Mädchen]] in das [[siebente]] [[Lebensjahr]] getreten war, [[Hieron]]. epist. 128, 3. – 4) im Raume [[unmittelbar]] [[folgen]], [[sich]] [[unmittelbar]] an etw. [[anschließen]], [[unmittelbar]] an etw. [[stoßen]], [[anstoßen]], ultima excipiat [[quod]] [[tortilis]] [[inguina]] [[piscis]], Ov.: [[inde]] [[apodyterium]] balinei laxum et [[hilare]] excipit [[cella]] frigidaria, Plin. ep. – absol., [[Cyclades]] excipiunt, Ov.: [[inde]] excipere [[loca]] aspera et montuosa, Caes.: [[regio]] aquarum [[inops]] excipit, Curt. – 5) der [[Reihe]] od. [[Zeit]] [[nach]], [[einer]] [[Sache]] od. jmdm. [[unmittelbar]] [[folgen]], a) eig.: orationem Tullii exceperunt [[preces]] multitudinis, Liv.: Herculis vitam [[immortalitas]] excepit, Cic.: [[aestas]] hiemem excepit, Liv.: absol., excipit [[autumnus]], Ov.: turbulentior [[inde]] [[annus]] excepit, Liv.: im [[Reden]], [[hunc]] [[Labienus]] excepit, [[nach]] diesem redete [[Labienus]], Caes.: tum [[sic]] excepit [[regia]] [[Iuno]], Verg. – b) [[etwas]] [[fortsetzen]], gentem, [[fortpflanzen]], Verg.: [[proelium]] [[dubium]], Liv.: memoriam viri, Cic.: m. folg. Infin., Sil. 13, 687. – 6) (poet.) [[nach]] [[einer]] Himmelsgegend hingerichtet [[sein]], [[porticus]] excipit Arcton, liegt [[nach]] [[Mitternacht]] zu, Hor. carm. 2, 15, 16. – 7) excipere rem alqā re, [[etwas]] [[mit]] [[etwas]] [[vermischen]], [[von]] Arzneimitteln, [[crocum]] [[albo]] ovi, Cels.: excipi, vermischt [[werden]], zu od. [[auf]] [[etwas]] getan [[werden]], exc. aquā pluviatili, vino, Cels.
|georg=ex-cipio, cēpī, ceptum, ere (ex u. [[capio]]), I) [[herausnehmen]], -[[ziehen]], 1) eig.: alqm e mari, Cic.: [[telum]] e vulnere, Cels. – 2) übtr., a) [[ausnehmen]], eine [[Ausnahme]] [[machen]] [[mit]] usw., alqd od. alqm, Cic.: [[excepto]] [[Cicerone]], Sen. rhet.: hāc regiā causā exceptā, Cic.: m. Dat., [[dum]] [[sapiens]] iniuriae excipitur, [[wenn]] der W. [[von]] Beeinträchtigung [[ausgenommen]] wird, Sen. de const. sap. 9, 4; vgl. Tac. Agr. 15. – exc. alqm u. excipi m. folg. ne u. Konj., Cic. de [[lege]] agr. 2, 21 u. 24. Quint. 5, 12, 14: [[non]] excipi m. folg. [[quominus]] u. Konj., Cic. de [[lege]] agr. 2, 24. – [[excepto]], [[quod]] etc., [[ausgenommen]] usw., Hor. u. Quint.: [[ebenso]] [[excepto]], si etc., Pers. – b) [[sich]] [[ausbedingen]], die [[Bedingung]] [[machen]], [[verordnen]], [[bestimmen]], [[lex]] exciperet, ut etc., Cic.: in foederibus exceptum est, ne etc., Cic.: [[rogum]] ac [[tumulum]] excipere, [[sich]] [[ausbedingen]], Plin.: excepisse medicos, [[haben]] die Ärzte [[ausdrücklich]] [[benannt]], Plin. – c) eine gerichtliche [[Einwendung]] [[machen]], [[adversus]] alqm, ICt.: de [[dolo]] servi, ICt.: societatem periculi, [[dagegen]] [[anführen]], dagegensetzen, ICt.<br />'''II)''' [[aufnehmen]], [[auffangen]], A) Lebl.: 1) [[mit]] einem Gefäße usw. [[auffangen]], sanguinem paterā, Cic.: [[spiritum]] alcis ore [[suo]], Cic.: sanguinem ore, Sen.: [[tela]] [[clipeo]], Curt. – 2) [[mit]] einem Gegenstande [[stützen]], [[unterstützen]], [[corpus]] [[clipeo]], Curt.: [[deficiens]] [[caput]] [[clipeo]] [[paulisper]], [[auf]] den Sch. [[lehnen]], Curt. – 3) [[mit]] dem [[Gehör]] [[auffangen]], wegschnappen, wegkriegen, [[abhorchen]], [[belauschen]], [[auf]] etw. [[lauschen]], Cic. u.a. (s. Drak. Liv. 40, 7, 4). – 4) [[mit]] dem Leibe [[aufnehmen]] = [[bekommen]], a) eig.: vulnera, Cic., plagam in se, Lucr.: [[tela]], Cic.: impetum (hostium), [[aushalten]], Caes. – b) übtr., α) [[auf]] od. [[über]] [[sich]] [[nehmen]], [[übernehmen]], labores magnos, Cic.: pericula, impetum, Cic.: invidiam, Nep.: laudem ex alqa re, Cic.: has partes, Nep.: magnae quaestionis [[pondus]] ([[Last]]), Tac. dial.: rem publicam (ihre [[Verteidigung]]), Liv.: cognitionem (die [[Untersuchung]]), Tac. – β) [[auf]] [[sich]] [[nehmen]], [[ertragen]], [[erleiden]], graves [[ictus]] [[pro]] pudicis coniugibus, Hor.: [[iugum]], Curt.: omnem iram hostium [[suis]] capitibus, Liv.: omnem [[diu]] collectam vim improborum, Cic. – 5) [[mit]] der [[Feder]], [[nachschreiben]], dictante [[aliquo]] [[versus]], Suet.: orationem, Suet.: verba nostra, Augustin.: absol., notis velocissime excipere [[solitum]] [[esse]], Suet.<br />'''B)''' leb. [[Wesen]]: 1) [[einen]] Sinkenden od. Fallenwollenden [[auffangen]], moribundum, Liv.: se pedibus od. od. in [[pedes]], [[auf]] die Füße zu [[stehen]] [[kommen]], Curt. u. Liv.: se poplitibus, [[sich]] [[auf]] die [[Knie]] [[niederlassen]], Curt. (u. so [[corpus]] poplitibus exceptum, [[auf]] die [[Knie]] gesunken, Curt.): exc. se in genua, [[sich]] [[auf]] den Knien [[erhalten]], -[[fortschleppen]], Sen. – 2) [[feindlich]] [[auffangen]], wegfangen, [[gefangen]] [[nehmen]], a) eig.: [[servos]] in pabulatione, Caes.: bestias, Caes.: aprum latitantem, Hor.: caprum insidiis, Verg. – b) übtr., gleichs. erhaschen, voluntates ([[Zuneigung]]) hominum, Cic. de or. 2, 32.<br />III) [[empfangen]], [[aufnehmen]], A) eig., leb. [[Wesen]]: 1) [[mit]] Beifallsbezeigungen [[aller]] [[Art]], [[aufnehmen]], excipi ab omnibus clamore, Cic.: exc. alqm festis vocibus, Tac.: exc. plausu pavidos, Verg. – 2) [[bei]] [[sich]] [[aufnehmen]], a) v. Pers. = [[beherbergen]], [[bewirten]], alqm, [[Komik]]., Cic. u.a.: alqm hospitio, Ov., [[hospitaliter]], Curt. – b) v. Örtl. usw., ut [[eam]] patriam dicimus, [[ubi]] nati, et illam, [[ubi]] excepti sumus, Cic.: excepere alios tecta barbarorum, alios [[castra]], Curt.: [[sed]] [[lupanar]] excepit (virginem), Sen. rhet.: [[silva]] tum excepit ferum, Phaedr.: [[Cassius]] [[exceptus]] scaphā refugit, Caes. – v. Orten, an denen [[man]] vorübersegelt, [[huc]] egressos [[aequor]] Atlanticum excipit, [[Mela]]: [[quod]] ([[promunturium]]) praetervectos [[sinus]] excipit, [[Mela]]. – 3) [[mit]] einem Geschosse gleichs. feindl. [[empfangen]] = [[angreifen]], [[auffangen]], a) übh.: [[Orestes]] excipit incautum, Verg.: feram irruentem venabulo, Sen. – b) prägn., [[treffen]], [[erlegen]], aves, Curt.: alqm in [[latus]], [[verwunden]], Verg.<br />'''B)''' übtr.: 1) [[mit]] den Sinnen [[aufnehmen]] und [[zwar]]: a) [[mit]] dem [[Gehör]] = [[vernehmen]], [[hören]], [[motus]] futuros, Verg.: laudes alcis avidissimis auribus, Plin. ep. – b) in das [[Urteil]] [[aufnehmen]], = in einem bestimmten Sinne [[auffassen]], [[nehmen]], [[auslegen]], sententiam suam... gravius, [[atque]] [[ipse]] sensisset, exceptam, Suet.: exc. alqd [[comiter]], Tac.: assensu populi excepta [[vox]], Liv. – 2) v. Zuständen, jmd. [[erwarten]], jmds. [[warten]], jmd. [[unmittelbar]] [[treffen]], jmd. in [[Anspruch]] (in [[Beschlag]]) [[nehmen]], [[quis]] te [[casus]] excipit? Verg.: [[qui]] quosque [[eventus]] exciperent, Caes.: excipit [[eum]] [[deinde]] lentius spe [[bellum]], Liv.: maestum regem [[alius]] [[haud]] [[levis]] [[dolor]] excipit, Curt.: excepere [[eum]] voluptates, Curt. – 3) v. der [[Zeit]], jmd. [[aufnehmen]], cum [[autem]] virgunculam rudem et edentulam [[septimus]] aetatis [[annus]] exceperat, [[als]] [[aber]] das usw. [[Mädchen]] in das [[siebente]] [[Lebensjahr]] getreten war, [[Hieron]]. epist. 128, 3. – 4) im Raume [[unmittelbar]] [[folgen]], [[sich]] [[unmittelbar]] an etw. [[anschließen]], [[unmittelbar]] an etw. [[stoßen]], [[anstoßen]], ultima excipiat [[quod]] [[tortilis]] [[inguina]] [[piscis]], Ov.: [[inde]] [[apodyterium]] balinei laxum et [[hilare]] excipit [[cella]] frigidaria, Plin. ep. – absol., [[Cyclades]] excipiunt, Ov.: [[inde]] excipere [[loca]] aspera et montuosa, Caes.: [[regio]] aquarum [[inops]] excipit, Curt. – 5) der [[Reihe]] od. [[Zeit]] [[nach]], [[einer]] [[Sache]] od. jmdm. [[unmittelbar]] [[folgen]], a) eig.: orationem Tullii exceperunt [[preces]] multitudinis, Liv.: Herculis vitam [[immortalitas]] excepit, Cic.: [[aestas]] hiemem excepit, Liv.: absol., excipit [[autumnus]], Ov.: turbulentior [[inde]] [[annus]] excepit, Liv.: im [[Reden]], [[hunc]] [[Labienus]] excepit, [[nach]] diesem redete [[Labienus]], Caes.: tum [[sic]] excepit [[regia]] [[Iuno]], Verg. – b) [[etwas]] [[fortsetzen]], gentem, [[fortpflanzen]], Verg.: [[proelium]] [[dubium]], Liv.: memoriam viri, Cic.: m. folg. Infin., Sil. 13, 687. – 6) (poet.) [[nach]] [[einer]] Himmelsgegend hingerichtet [[sein]], [[porticus]] excipit Arcton, liegt [[nach]] [[Mitternacht]] zu, Hor. carm. 2, 15, 16. – 7) excipere rem alqā re, [[etwas]] [[mit]] [[etwas]] [[vermischen]], [[von]] Arzneimitteln, [[crocum]] [[albo]] ovi, Cels.: excipi, vermischt [[werden]], zu od. [[auf]] [[etwas]] getan [[werden]], exc. aquā pluviatili, vino, Cels.
|lnetxt=excipio excipere, excepi, exceptus V :: take out; remove; follow; receive; ward off, relieve