
σκάνδαλον: Difference between revisions

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Text replacement - "(<b class="b2">)([\w\s'-äöüÄÖÜßÆæ]+), ([\w\s'-äöüÄÖÜßÆæ]+)(<\/b>)" to "$2, $3"
m (Text replacement - "(<b class="b2">)([\w\s'-äöüÄÖÜßÆæ]+), ([\w\s'-äöüÄÖÜßÆæ]+), ([\w\s'-äöüÄÖÜßÆæ]+)(<\/b>)" to ", , $4")
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|etymtx=Grammatical information: n.<br />Meaning: [[trap]], usu. (semitism) [[temptation]], [[scandal]] (LXX, NT; PCair. Zen. 608, 7; IIIa [<b class="b3">-άνων</b> gen. pl.]).<br />Derivatives: 1. <b class="b3">σκανδαλ-ίζω</b> [[to tempt (to sin)]], [[to give offence]], [[to annoy]], <b class="b3">-ίζομαι</b> <b class="b2">to be tempted to sin, to take offence</b> (LXX, NT) with <b class="b3">-ιστής</b> m. des. of an acrobat, e.g. <b class="b2">trapeze-artist</b> (SIG 847, 5; IIp; on the meaning below); 2. <b class="b3">-όω</b> <b class="b2">id.</b> (Aq.). Besides <b class="b3">σκανδάλ-η</b> f. <b class="b2">stick of a trap</b> (Alciphr. 3, 21, 1: <b class="b3">κρεᾳδιον τῆς σκανδάλης ἀπαρτήσας</b>; reading not quite certain), <b class="b3">-ος ἐμποδισμός</b> H. -- <b class="b3">σκανδάλ-ηθρον</b> n. (Ar. Ach. 687: [[σκανδάληθρ]]' <b class="b3">ἱστὰς ἐπῶν</b>), after sch. ad loc. <b class="b2">the crooked stick in the trap</b> (<b class="b3">τὸ ἐν παῖς παγίσι ἐπικαμπες ξύλον</b>), after Poll. 7, 114 <b class="b2">that which is bound with the cord</b> (<b class="b3">τὸ τῃ̃ σπαρτίνῃ προσηρτημένον</b> as opposed to [[παττάλιον]] = <b class="b3">τὸ ἱστάμενόν τε καὶ σχαζόμενον</b> [<b class="b3">τῆς μυάγρας</b>]; Poll. 10, 156 [[σκανδάληθρον]] is identified with [[παττάλιον]].<br />Origin: IE [Indo-European]X [probably] [not in Pok.], PGX [probably a word of Pre-Greek origin]<br />Etymology: As instrument noun [[σκάνδαλον]] indicated prob. a suspended or free hanging down (piece of) wood (cf. [[πέτευρον]], [[ῥόπτρον]]), from where developed in concreto both <b class="b2">loosenings, instrument (</b>Germ. <b class="b2">Stellholz) in an animal-trap</b> as <b class="b2">acrobat-bar</b> (from where [[σκανδαλιστής]]). From this <b class="b3">σκανδάλ-ηθρον</b> (on the formation Chantraine Form. 373 f.), prob. prop. of the trap (Germ. "Stellholzgerät") itself (thus most prob. in Ar.), but in use identified with [[σκάνδαλον]], which referred to the trap (cf. Swed. [[giller]] <b class="b2">Stellholz, and the trap with it</b>). -- Of old (Pott, Bopp; s. Curtius 166) as IE connected with Lat. [[scandō]] [[mount]], Skt. <b class="b2">skándati</b> [[jump]], [[hop]], [[hurry]], MIr. perf. <b class="b2">se-scaind</b> [[he jumped]]; orig. meaning so <b class="b2">apparatus going off</b> (Osthoff Etym. parerga 1, 355 f.)? -- WP. 2, 540f., W.-Hofmann s. [[scandō]]; on [[σκάνδαλον]] further Bauer Gr.-dt. Wb. s. v. w. lit. (esp. G. Stählin Skandalon, Gütersloh 1930). -- The forms adduced seem to point to an IE word (<b class="b2">*skend-</b>, <b class="b2">skond-</b>), but the <b class="b2">a-</b>vocalism rather points to a Pre-Greek word; as does the meaning (technical instr., used by acrobats; cf. on [[κυβιστάω]]).
|etymtx=Grammatical information: n.<br />Meaning: [[trap]], usu. (semitism) [[temptation]], [[scandal]] (LXX, NT; PCair. Zen. 608, 7; IIIa [<b class="b3">-άνων</b> gen. pl.]).<br />Derivatives: 1. <b class="b3">σκανδαλ-ίζω</b> [[to tempt (to sin)]], [[to give offence]], [[to annoy]], <b class="b3">-ίζομαι</b> [[to be tempted to sin]], [[to take offence]] (LXX, NT) with <b class="b3">-ιστής</b> m. des. of an acrobat, e.g. <b class="b2">trapeze-artist</b> (SIG 847, 5; IIp; on the meaning below); 2. <b class="b3">-όω</b> <b class="b2">id.</b> (Aq.). Besides <b class="b3">σκανδάλ-η</b> f. <b class="b2">stick of a trap</b> (Alciphr. 3, 21, 1: <b class="b3">κρεᾳδιον τῆς σκανδάλης ἀπαρτήσας</b>; reading not quite certain), <b class="b3">-ος ἐμποδισμός</b> H. -- <b class="b3">σκανδάλ-ηθρον</b> n. (Ar. Ach. 687: [[σκανδάληθρ]]' <b class="b3">ἱστὰς ἐπῶν</b>), after sch. ad loc. <b class="b2">the crooked stick in the trap</b> (<b class="b3">τὸ ἐν παῖς παγίσι ἐπικαμπες ξύλον</b>), after Poll. 7, 114 <b class="b2">that which is bound with the cord</b> (<b class="b3">τὸ τῃ̃ σπαρτίνῃ προσηρτημένον</b> as opposed to [[παττάλιον]] = <b class="b3">τὸ ἱστάμενόν τε καὶ σχαζόμενον</b> [<b class="b3">τῆς μυάγρας</b>]; Poll. 10, 156 [[σκανδάληθρον]] is identified with [[παττάλιον]].<br />Origin: IE [Indo-European]X [probably] [not in Pok.], PGX [probably a word of Pre-Greek origin]<br />Etymology: As instrument noun [[σκάνδαλον]] indicated prob. a suspended or free hanging down (piece of) wood (cf. [[πέτευρον]], [[ῥόπτρον]]), from where developed in concreto both [[loosenings]], [[instrument (]]Germ. <b class="b2">Stellholz) in an animal-trap</b> as <b class="b2">acrobat-bar</b> (from where [[σκανδαλιστής]]). From this <b class="b3">σκανδάλ-ηθρον</b> (on the formation Chantraine Form. 373 f.), prob. prop. of the trap (Germ. "Stellholzgerät") itself (thus most prob. in Ar.), but in use identified with [[σκάνδαλον]], which referred to the trap (cf. Swed. [[giller]] [[Stellholz]], [[and the trap with it]]). -- Of old (Pott, Bopp; s. Curtius 166) as IE connected with Lat. [[scandō]] [[mount]], Skt. <b class="b2">skándati</b> [[jump]], [[hop]], [[hurry]], MIr. perf. <b class="b2">se-scaind</b> [[he jumped]]; orig. meaning so <b class="b2">apparatus going off</b> (Osthoff Etym. parerga 1, 355 f.)? -- WP. 2, 540f., W.-Hofmann s. [[scandō]]; on [[σκάνδαλον]] further Bauer Gr.-dt. Wb. s. v. w. lit. (esp. G. Stählin Skandalon, Gütersloh 1930). -- The forms adduced seem to point to an IE word (<b class="b2">*skend-</b>, <b class="b2">skond-</b>), but the <b class="b2">a-</b>vocalism rather points to a Pre-Greek word; as does the meaning (technical instr., used by acrobats; cf. on [[κυβιστάω]]).