From LSJ
Ἰσότητα τίμα, μὴ πλεονέκτει μηδένα → Aequalitatem cole, neque ullum deprimas → Die Gleichheit ehre, keinen übervorteile
Latin > English
illoc ADV :: there, thither, to that place/point/topic; [hoc ..~ => this way and that]
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
1 Neutr. pron., v. illic.—
2 Adv., v. illic fin.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
illōc¹⁶ (illo, ce), adv. = illuc, là-bas, là [avec mouvt] : Pl. Truc. 647 ; Ter. Eun. 572.
Latin > German (Georges)
illōc, Adv. (1. illic) = illuc, dahin, dorthin, I) im Raume, post illoc quam veni, Plaut. truc. 647: ut pro illo iubeam me illoc ducier, Ter. eun. 572: hoc et illoc (dahin und dorthin) quadrat, Petron. 39, 8. – II) in andern Verhältnissen, sed illoc potius revertar, Claud. or. fr. im Corp. inscr. Lat. 13, 1668, I, 40. – / Ter. Andr. 362 jetzt illo.