From LSJ
πρῶτον μὲν οὖν ὄστρεια παρὰ Νηρεῖ τινι ἰδὼν γέροντι φυκί ἠμφιεσμένα ἔλαβον ἐχίνους τ' ἐστὶ γὰρ προοίμιον δείπνου χαριέντως ταῦτα πεπρυτανευμένου → So first I spotted oysters wrapped in seaweed at the shop of some old Nereus, and sea urchins, which I bought; these were the appetizers for a delightfully managed dinner
Spanish (DGE)
-ιδος, ὁ
• Alolema(s): Δōρις SEG 32.33, 35.47
1 pintor de cerámica de figuras rojas áticas, prob. de origen jónico, de comienzos del s. V a.C. SEG ll.cc.
2 de Samos, discípulo de Teofrasto, historiador del IV/III a.C., Duris, I.
3 de Elea, epigramático del IV/III a.C., Duris, I.