ἐσκομιδή: Difference between revisions

From LSJ

οἰκτίστῳ θανάτῳ εἵμαρτο ἁλῶναι → it was fated that you would be taken by the most miserable death, it has been decreed that thou shouldst be cut off by a most piteous death

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|btext=<i>anc. att. p.</i> [[εἰσκομιδή]].
|lstext='''ἐσκομιδή''': ἐσκομίζω, ἴδε [[εἰσκομιδή]], [[εἰσκομίζω]].
|lstext='''ἐσκομιδή''': [[ἐσκομίζω]], ἴδε [[εἰσκομιδή]], [[εἰσκομίζω]].
|lsmtext='''ἐσκομιδή:''' ἐσ-[[κομίζω]], βλ. εἰσ-.
|btext=<i>anc. att. p.</i> [[εἰσκομιδή]].
|lthtxt=''[[importatio]]'', [[conveying]], [[introducing]], [https://scaife.perseus.org/reader/urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0003.tlg001.perseus-grc2:7.4.4/ 7.4.4], [https://scaife.perseus.org/reader/urn:cts:greekLit:tlg0003.tlg001.perseus-grc2:7.24.3/ 7.24.3].

Latest revision as of 14:21, 16 November 2024

French (Bailly abrégé)

anc. att. p. εἰσκομιδή.

Greek (Liddell-Scott)

ἐσκομιδή: ἐσκομίζω, ἴδε εἰσκομιδή, εἰσκομίζω.

Greek Monotonic

ἐσκομιδή: ἐσ-κομίζω, βλ. εἰσ-.

Lexicon Thucydideum

importatio, conveying, introducing, 7.4.4, 7.24.3.