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Κύριε, βοήθησον τὸν δοῦλον σου Νῖλον κτλ. → Lord, help your slave Nilos ... (mosaic inscription from 4th-cent. church in the Negev)


Latin > English

torcular torcularis N N :: wine/oil press; pressing room, room housing a wine/oil press; oil cellar (L+S)

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

torcŭlar: āris, n. torqueo.
I A press used in making wine or oil, Vitr. 6, 9; Plin. 18, 26, 62, § 230.—
II A cellar for storing up oil, an oil-cellar, Col. 1, 6, 18; 12, 52, 10 sq.; Plin. 15, 1, 2, § 6; 15, 3, 3, § 10.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

torcŭlar,¹⁶ āris, n. (torqueo), pressoir : Vitr. Arch. 6, 9 ; Plin. 18, 230 || lieu où est le pressoir, pressoir : Col. Rust. 1, 6, 18 ; Plin. 15, 6.

Latin > German (Georges)

torcular, āris, Abl. ārī, n. (torqueo), I) die Kelter, Presse, Vitr. u. Plin. – II) meton., die Kelter als Ort, Vitr. u. Colum. – Urspr. Nbf. torculāre, ληνός, Auct. de idiom. gen. 584, 51 K.