From LSJ
προγράψαντες οὖν τά τε θεωρήματα καὶ τὰ ἐπιτάγματα τὰ χρεῖαν ἔχοντα εἰς τὰς ἀποδείξιας αὐτῶν μετὰ ταῦτα γραψοῦμές τοι τὰ προκείμενα → having therefore written at the beginning the theorems and the postulates that are necessary for their proofs, we will then write out for you the propositions
pontufex pontuficis N M :: high priest/pontiff; (of Roman supreme college of priests); bishop (Bee); pope
pontufex, s. pontifex.
pontŭfex, v. pontifex : Inscr.