ἰὼ, σκότος, ἐμὸν φάος, ἔρεβος ὦ φαεννότατον, ὡς ἐμοί, ἕλεσθ' ἕλεσθέ μ' οἰκήτορα → ah, darkness that is my light, gloom that is most bright for me, take me, take me to dwell in you
Vercingetŏrix: ĭgis, m.,
I a commander of the Gauls in the Gallic War, Caes. B. G. 7, 4 sq.; Flor. 3, 10, 20.
Vercingĕtŏrīx,¹¹ īgis, m., prince des Arvernes, chef de la coalition des Gaulois contre César : Cæs. G. 7, 4, 1.