
From LSJ
Revision as of 09:48, 21 July 2017 by Spiros (talk | contribs) (CSV4)

ἔνδον γὰρ ἁνὴρ ἄρτι τυγχάνει, κάρα στάζων ἱδρῶτι καὶ χέρας ξιφοκτόνους → yes, the man is now inside, his face and hands that have slaughtered with the sword dripping with sweat


English > Greek (Woodhouse)

woodhouse 585.jpg

v. trans.

Ar. and P. ἐπακούειν (acc., or gen., or absol.), κατακούειν (acc., or gen., or absol.), παρακούειν (acc. of thing, gen. of person).