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Μετὰ δικαίου ἀεὶ διατριβὰς ποιοῦ (Μετὰ δικαίωντὰς διατριβὰς ποιοῦ) → Cum iustis semper versare in eodem loco → Mit den Gerechten pflege Umgang immerfort

Menander, Monostichoi, 367
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Full diacritics: δρύψελον Medium diacritics: δρύψελον Low diacritics: δρύψελον Capitals: ΔΡΥΨΕΛΟΝ
Transliteration A: drýpselon Transliteration B: drypselon Transliteration C: drypselon Beta Code: dru/yelon

English (LSJ)

τό, lit.

   A bark: of a leaf, Parth.Fr.26: δρύψαλα, Hsch.

Spanish (DGE)

-ου, τό

• Alolema(s): -λλον EM 288.58G.
1 corteza, ralladura ῥίζης δρύψελα Ποντιάδος ralladuras de la raíz póntica Parth.SHell.642, cf. EM l.c.
2 hoja del apio SHell.643, cf. Hsch.