From LSJ
τοῦ δὲ πολέμου οἱ καιροὶ οὐ μενετοί → in war, opportunities won't wait | the chances of war will not wait (Thucydides 1.142.2)
English (LSJ)
A trident, Poll.10.133, Paus.Gr.Fr.216: ἰχθῠόκεντρον, Hsch., Suid.
τοῦ δὲ πολέμου οἱ καιροὶ οὐ μενετοί → in war, opportunities won't wait | the chances of war will not wait (Thucydides 1.142.2)
Full diacritics: ἰχθῠκεντρον | Medium diacritics: ἰχθύκεντρον | Low diacritics: ιχθύκεντρον | Capitals: ΙΧΘΥΚΕΝΤΡΟΝ |
Transliteration A: ichthýkentron | Transliteration B: ichthykentron | Transliteration C: ichthykentron | Beta Code: i)xqu/kentron |
A trident, Poll.10.133, Paus.Gr.Fr.216: ἰχθῠόκεντρον, Hsch., Suid.