Δεῖ τοὺς μὲν εἶναι δυστυχεῖς, τοὺς δ' εὐτυχεῖς → Aliis necesse est bene sit, aliis sit male → Die einen trifft das Unglück, andere das Glück
Hippŏtădes: ae, m., = Ἱπποτάδης,
I the descendant of Hippotes, i. e. Æŏlus (as the son of Segesta, a daughter of the Trojan Hippotes), Ov. M. 4, 663; 11, 431; 14, 224: Hippotadae regnum, i. e. the Æolic (Liparic) Isles, id. ib. 14, 86; cf. ib. 15, 707.