From LSJ
ὑμῖν ἔξεστι εὐδαίμοσι γενέσθαι → to you it is permitted to be joyful, it is permitted to be happy, it is permitted to be fortunate, vobis licet esse beatis
Latin > English
depudico depudicare, depudicavi, depudicatus V TRANS :: violate, dishonor; deflower, deprive of virginity (Sex)
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
dē-pŭdīco: āre, v. a. pudicus,
I to violate, dishonor: stupro, Laber. ap. Gell. 16, 7.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
dēpŭdīcō, āre (de, pudicus), tr., déshonorer, ravir l’honneur : Laber. d. Gell. 16, 7, 2.
Latin > German (Georges)
dē-pudīco, āvī, āre (de u. pudicus), schänden, Laber. inc. fab. XVII (bei Gell. 16, 7, 2).
Latin > Chinese
*depudico, as, are. :: 辱童女