Οὗτος Ἰουστῖνον καὶ Νεοβιγάστην στρατηγοὺς προβαλόμενος, καὶ τὰς Βρεττανίας ἐάσας, περαιοῦται ἅμα τῶν αὐτοῦ ἐπὶ Βονωνίαν → He appointed Justinus and Neovigastes as generals, and leaving Britain, crossed with his forces to Bononia.(Olympiodorus/Photius)
myrīcē: ēs, or myrīca, ae, f., = μυρίκη>,
I the tamarisk, a kind of shrub, Plin. 13, 21, 37, § 116; 24, 9, 41, § 67.—Prov., to signify something impossible: pinguia corticibus sudent electra myricae, Verg. E. 8, 54.