τά γε μὰν λίνα πάντα λελοίπει ἐκ Μοιρᾶν → but all the thread granted him by the Fates had run out
ἰάσιμος, ἰατός, ἀκέσμιος, ἀκεστός
Bulgarian: излечим; Catalan: guarible, curable; Czech: vyléčitelný; Finnish: parannettavissa oleva, hoidettavissa oleva, kovettuva; French: curable; German: heilbar; Ancient Greek: ἰάσιμος, ἰατός, ἀκέσμιος, ἀκεστός; Hungarian: gyógyítható; Italian: curabile; Latin: sanabilis; Manx: so-lheihys; Norwegian Bokmål: helbredelig; Portuguese: curável; Spanish: curable; Swedish: botbar; Turkish: tedavi edilebilir