οἱ Κυρηναϊκοὶ δόξαις ἐχρῶντο τοιαύταις: δύο πάθη ὑφίσταντο, πόνον καὶ ἡδονήν, τὴν μὲν λείαν κίνησιν, τὴν ἡδονήν, τὸν δὲ πόνον τραχεῖαν κίνησιν → the Cyrenaics admitted two sensations, pain and pleasure, the one consisting in a smooth motion, pleasure, the other a rough motion, pain
Latin > German (Georges)
īleus, s. ileos.
Arabic: انسداد معوي; az: bağırsaq keçməzliyi; Bulgarian: преплитане на червата; Chinese Mandarin: 腸梗阻, 肠梗阻, 腸阻塞, 肠阻塞; Catalan: obstrucció intestinal; Czech: ileus; Finnish: suolitukos; French: iléus, occlusion intestinale; German: Darmobstruktion, Darmverschluss, mechanischer Ileus; English: intestinal obstruction, bowel obstruction, ileus; Greek: ειλεός, εντερική απόφραξη, απόφραξη εντέρου; Ancient Greek: εἰλεός, ἰλεός, εἴλημα; Spanish: íleo, obstrucción intestinal; eu: heste-buxadura; French: occlusion intestinale; hi: आंत्रावरोध; hy: աղիքային անանցանելիություն; Japanese: 腸閉塞症; or: ଆନ୍ତ୍ରିକ ଅବରୋଧ; Portuguese: obstrução intestinal; Russian: кишечная непроходимость, заворот кишок; Swedish: tarmvred, tarmstopp, ileus; tt: эчәклек үткәрмәүчәнлеге; Ukrainian: кишкова непрохідність; Vietnamese: tắc ruột