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Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

Nōla: ae, f. nolo,
I the Unwilling, an appellation sarcastically given to the dissolute Clodia: in triclinio Coam, in cubiculo Nolam, Cael. ap. Quint. 8, 6, 53. >
Nōla: ae, f.,
I a city of remote antiquity in Campania, founded by the Ausonians, afterwards conquered by the Tuscans, and colonized by the Chalcidians, still called Nola, Liv. 9, 28; 23, 14; Plin. 3, 5, 9, § 63; Cic. Brut. 3, 12; Vell. 1, 7, 2 sq.; Just. 20, 1; Sil. 12, 161.—Hence,
   A Nōlānus, a, um, adj. (Nŏlānus, Prud. στεφ. 11, 308), of or belonging to Nola, Nolan: ager, Liv. 23, 14: plebs, id. 24, 13; Sil. 12, 293.—In plur. as subst.: Nōlāni, ōrum, m., the Nolans, Liv. 8, 25 and 26.—
   B Nōlensis, e, adj., of Nola: episcopus, Aug. Civ. Dei, 1, 10.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

(3) Nōla,¹² æ, f. (Νῶλα), Nole [ville de Campanie] : Cic. Br. 12 ; Liv. 9, 28 ; Plin. 3, 63 ; Vell. 1, 7, 2 || -ānus, a, um, de Nole : Liv. 23, 14 ; Sil. 12, 293 || -ēnsis, e, Aug. Civ. 1, 10, 2.

Latin > German (Georges)

(3) Nōla3, ae, f., alte Stadt in Kampanien, treue Bundesgenossin der Römer im zweiten punischen Kriege, noch j. Nola, Liv. 9, 28; 23, 14 u. 16. Sil. 12, 161. Augustin. de civ. dei 1, 10. p. 19, 13 D.2 – Dav.: A) Nōlānus, a, um, nolanisch, Liv. – subst., Nōlāni, ōrum, m., die Einwohner von Nola, die Nolaner, Liv.: in Nolano, im Nolanischen, im nolanischen Gebiet, Cic. – B) Nōlēnsis, e, nolensisch, aus od. zu Nola, episcopus, Augustin. de civ. dei, 1, 10, 2. p. 19, 11 D.2