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|lshtext=<b>ab-sisto</b>: stĭti, no<br /><b>I</b> [[sup]]., 3, v. n. ([[like]] all the compounds of the [[simple]] [[active]] [[verb]], used [[only]] in a neutr. signif.), to [[withdraw]] or [[depart]] from, to go [[away]]; constr. absol., [[with]] ab, or the [[simple]] abl. (not in Cic.).<br /><b>I</b> Lit.: quae me hic reliquit [[atque]] abstitit, [[who]] has [[left]] me [[behind]] here, and [[gone]] [[off]], Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 32: ab signis, Caes. B. G. 5, 17; v. Gron. ad Liv. 27, 45.—absol.: [[miles]] abstitit, went [[away]], Tac. 2, 31: ab [[ore]] scintillae absistunt, [[burst]] [[forth]], Verg. A. 12, 101: limine, id. ib. 7, 610: luco, id. ib. 6, 259. —<br /><b>II</b> Trop. [[with]] abl. (of subst. or gerund.) or the inf., to [[desist]] from an [[act]], [[purpose]], etc., to [[cease]], to [[leave]] [[off]] (so, perh., [[first]] in the Aug. [[period]], for the [[more]] [[common]] [[desisto]]): obsidione, Liv. 9, 15 Drak.: [[bello]], Hor. S. 1, 3, 104: continuando magistratu, Liv. 9, 34: sequendo, id. 29, 33: ingratis benefacere, id. 36, 35: moveri, Verg. A. 6, 399: absiste viribus indubitare tuis, [[cease]] to [[distrust]] [[thy]] [[strength]], id. ib. 8, 403; cf. morari, id. ib. 12, 676.
|lshtext=<b>ab-sisto</b>: stĭti, no<br /><b>I</b> [[sup]]., 3, v. n. ([[like]] all the compounds of the [[simple]] [[active]] [[verb]], used [[only]] in a neutr. signif.), to [[withdraw]] or [[depart]] from, to go [[away]]; constr. absol., [[with]] ab, or the [[simple]] abl. (not in Cic.).<br /><b>I</b> Lit.: quae me hic reliquit [[atque]] abstitit, [[who]] has [[left]] me [[behind]] here, and [[gone]] [[off]], Plaut. Truc. 2, 6, 32: ab signis, Caes. B. G. 5, 17; v. Gron. ad Liv. 27, 45.—absol.: [[miles]] abstitit, went [[away]], Tac. 2, 31: ab [[ore]] scintillae absistunt, [[burst]] [[forth]], Verg. A. 12, 101: limine, id. ib. 7, 610: luco, id. ib. 6, 259. —<br /><b>II</b> Trop. [[with]] abl. (of subst. or gerund.) or the inf., to [[desist]] from an [[act]], [[purpose]], etc., to [[cease]], to [[leave]] [[off]] (so, perh., [[first]] in the Aug. [[period]], for the [[more]] [[common]] [[desisto]]): obsidione, Liv. 9, 15 Drak.: [[bello]], Hor. S. 1, 3, 104: continuando magistratu, Liv. 9, 34: sequendo, id. 29, 33: ingratis benefacere, id. 36, 35: moveri, Verg. A. 6, 399: absiste viribus indubitare tuis, [[cease]] to [[distrust]] [[thy]] [[strength]], id. ib. 8, 403; cf. morari, id. ib. 12, 676.
|gf=<b>absistō</b>,¹¹ stĭtī, ĕre, intr.<br /><b>1</b> s’éloigner de : ab [[aliqua]] re Cæs. G. 5, 17, 2, de qqch. ; vestigiis [[hostis]] Liv. 27, 42, 17, s’éloigner des traces de l’ennemi, perdre les traces de l’ennemi || [poét.] ab ore scintillæ absistunt Virg. En. 12, 102, des étincelles jaillissent de son visage<br /><b>2</b> [fig.] cesser de, renoncer à : <b> a)</b> [avec abl.] oppugnatione Liv. 44, 12, 7, renoncer au siège ; [[incepto]] Liv. 25, 5, 5, abandonner une entreprise, cf. 21, 6, 8 ; 24, 10, 15 ; etc.; continuando magistratu Liv. 9, 34, 2, cesser de maintenir sa charge, de se maintenir en charge, cf. 29, 33, 8 ; <b> b)</b> [avec inf.] Virg. En. 6, 399 ; 8, 403 ; Liv. 7, 25, 5 ; 32, 35, 7 ; 36, 35, 4 ; <b> c)</b> abs<sup>t</sup>] s’arrêter, cesser : Virg. En. 1, 192 ; Liv. 34, 8, 2 ; 36, 45, 3 ; 44, 39, 9 ; absistamus Virg. En. 9, 355, tenons-nous-en là.