πενία μόνα τὰς τέχνας ἐγείρει → poverty alone promotes skilled work, necessity is the mother of invention, necessity is the mother of all invention, poverty is the mother of invention, out of necessity comes invention, out of necessity came invention, frugality is the mother of invention
Wikipedia EN
The Frogs (Greek: Βάτραχοι Bátrachoi, "Frogs"; Latin: Ranae, often abbreviated Ran. or Ra.) is a comedy written by the Ancient Greek playwright Aristophanes. It was performed at the Lenaia, one of the Festivals of Dionysus in Athens, in 405 BC, and received first place.
als: Die Frösche; ar: ملهاة الضفادع; bg: Жабите; ca: Les granotes; da: Frøerne; de: Die Frösche; el: Βάτραχοι; en: The Frogs; es: Las ranas; fa: غوکان; fi: Sammakot; fr: Les Grenouilles; fy: Kikkerts; gl: As ras; he: הצפרדעים; hr: Žabe; id: Katak-katak; is: Froskarnir; it: Le rane; ja: 蛙; ko: 개구리; la: Ranae; mk: Жаби; nl: Kikkers; pt: As Rãs; ru: Лягушки; sh: Žabe; sr: Žabe; sv: Grodorna; tr: Kurbağalar; uk: Жаби