δυοῖν κακοῖν προκειμένοιν τὸ μὴ χεῖρον βέλτιστον → the lesser of two evils, the less bad thing of a pair of bad things, better the devil you know, better the devil you know than the devil you don't, better the devil you know than the devil you don't know, better the devil you know than the one you don't, better the devil you know than the one you don't know, the devil that you know is better than the devil that you don't know, the devil we know is better than the devil we don't, the devil we know is better than the devil we don't know, the devil you know is better than the devil you don't
English > Greek (Woodhouse)
Catalan: escarceller; Chinese Mandarin: 獄卒/狱卒, 獄吏/狱吏, 獄警/狱警; Czech: věznitel, žalářník; English: gaoler, jailer, jailor, corrections officer, warden, warder; Finnish: vanginvartija; French: geôlier, geôlière, gâfe; Georgian: ციხის ზედამხედველი; German: Gefängniswärter, Gefängniswärterin, Gefängnisaufseher, Gefängnisaufseherin, Schließer, Schließerin, Justizvollzugsbeamter, Justizvollzugsbeamte, Justizvollzugsbeamtin, Gefangenenwärter, Gefangenenwärterin, Wachtel, Kerkermeister, Kerkermeisterin; Greek: δεσμοφύλακας; Ancient Greek: δεσμοφύλαξ, εἰργμοφύλαξ, εἱρκτοφύλαξ, δεσμωτήριος, δεσμώτης, ὁ ἐπὶ τῶν δεσμῶν, ὁ τοῦ δεσμωτηρίου φύλαξ; Indonesian: sipir penjara; Irish: séiléir; Italian: carceriere, carceriera, custode, guardiano, guardiana, secondino, secondina, sorvegliante, guardia carceraria, aguzzino, aguzzina; Japanese: 看守, 獄吏; Korean: 교도관, 간수; Latin: carcerarius, custos; Maori: kaitiaki herehere; Mi'kmaq: lapseloon noojodum; Polish: strażnik więzienny, strażniczka więzienna; Portuguese: carcereiro, carcereira; Romanian: gardian, temnicer; Russian: тюремщик, тюремщица, тюремный надзиратель, тюремная надзирательница; Serbo-Croatian: тамничар; Spanish: carcelero, carcelera, guardiacárcel, guardacárcel; Swedish: fångvaktare; Welsh: gwarcheidwad