From LSJ
κορυδός ἐν ἀμούσοις φθέγγεται → a lark sings amid the songless | in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king | in the country of the blind, the one-eyed man is king | in the valley of the blind, the one-eyed man is king
Russian (Dvoretsky)
Κύρβαντες: οἱ (dat. pl. Κυρβάντεσσι) Soph. = Κορύβαντες.
Frisk Etymological English
See also: s. Κορύβαντες
Frisk Etymology German
Κύρβαντες: -άντων
Grammar: pl. m. (Pherekyd. 48, S., hell. Dicht.).
Etymology : Nebenform von κορύβαντες (s. d.); vgl. noch κύρβεις.
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