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|lnetxt=interpello interpellare, interpellavi, interpellatus V :: interrupt, break in on; interpose an objection; disturb, hinder, obstruct
|lshtext=<b>inter-pello</b>: āvi, ātum, 1, v. a.,<br /><b>I</b> to [[interrupt]] by [[speaking]], to [[disturb]], [[molest]], etc. (syn. [[obloquor]]; [[class]].).<br /><b>I</b> To [[interrupt]] by [[speaking]], to [[disturb]] a [[person]] [[speaking]]: si interpellas, ego tacebo, Plaut. Men. 5, 9, 62: [[nihil]] te interpellabo, continentem orationem audire [[malo]], Cic. Tusc. 1, 8, 16: tu [[vero]], ut me et appelles, et interpelles, et obloquare, et colloquare, velim, id. Q. Fr. 2, 10: [[quasi]] interpellamur ab iis, Quint. 4, 5, 20; a [[person]] [[engaged]] in [[business]]: si [[quis]] te arti tuae intentum sic interpellet, Curt. 9, 4, 28. — Absol.: ministri, interpellando,… atrocitatem facti leniebant, Sall. J. 27, 1; Suet. Tib. 27.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> Esp.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To [[annoy]], [[importune]]: cum a Ceballino [[interpellatus]] [[sum]], Curt. 6, 10, 19: urbe egrediens, ne [[quis]] se interpellaret, Suet. Tib. 40; [[molest]], [[disturb]] one, id. ib. 34. —<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To [[solicit]], [[try]] to [[seduce]] a [[female]]: qui mulierem puellamve interpellaverit, Paul. Sent. 5, 4, 14 Huschke (Dig. 47, 11, 1, § 2).—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>3</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To [[address]], [[accost]], [[speak]] to, i. q. alloqui: [[verum]] tu [[quid]] agis? interpella me, ut sciam, Lucil. ap. Non. 331, 1; = intericere, interpellantem admonere, to [[object]], Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 28, § 71. —<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>4</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To [[dun]], [[demand]] [[payment]] of, Dig. 26, 7, 44; cf. Amm. 17, 3, 6. —<br /><b>II</b> In gen., to [[disturb]], [[hinder]], [[obstruct]], [[molest]]; constr. [[with]] acc., [[quin]], [[quominus]], ne, or inf.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(a)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With acc.; of persons: aliquem in jure suo, Caes. B. G. 1, 44; of things: partam jam victoriam, id. B. C. 3, 73: poenam, Liv. 4, 50: incrementa urbis, Just. 18, 5, 7: [[otium]] [[bello]], Curt. 6, 6, 12: satietatem epularum ludis, id. 6, 2, 5: lex Julia non interpellat eam possessionem, does not [[disturb]], does not [[abrogate]] it, Dig. 23, 5, 16.—Pass.: reperiebat T. Ampium [[conatum]] esse tollere pecunias ... sed interpellatum adventum Caesaris profugisse, Caes. B. C. 3, 105: haec tota res interpellata [[bello]] refrixerat, Cic. Att. 1, 19, 4: [[stupro]] interpellato [[motus]], Liv. 3, 57.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(b)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With [[quin]]: [[Caesar]] [[numquam]] interpellavit, [[quin]], quibus vellem, uterer, [[Matius]] ad Cic. Fam. 11, 28.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(g)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With [[quominus]]: interpellent me, quo [[minus]] [[honoratus]] sim, dum ne interpellent, quo [[minus]], etc., Brut. ad Cic. Fam. 11, 10, 1.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(d)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With ne: tribunis interregem interpellantibus, ne [[senatusconsultum]] fieret, to [[interpose]] [[their]] [[veto]], Liv. 4, 43.—(ε) With inf.: [[pransus]] non [[avide]], [[quantum]] interpellet inani Ventre diem durare, Hor. S. 1, 6, 127.—(ζ) Absol.: fameque et siti interpellante, disturbing him, Suet. Ner. 48.
|lshtext=<b>inter-pello</b>: āvi, ātum, 1, v. a.,<br /><b>I</b> to [[interrupt]] by [[speaking]], to [[disturb]], [[molest]], etc. (syn. [[obloquor]]; [[class]].).<br /><b>I</b> To [[interrupt]] by [[speaking]], to [[disturb]] a [[person]] [[speaking]]: si interpellas, ego tacebo, Plaut. Men. 5, 9, 62: [[nihil]] te interpellabo, continentem orationem audire [[malo]], Cic. Tusc. 1, 8, 16: tu [[vero]], ut me et appelles, et interpelles, et obloquare, et colloquare, velim, id. Q. Fr. 2, 10: [[quasi]] interpellamur ab iis, Quint. 4, 5, 20; a [[person]] [[engaged]] in [[business]]: si [[quis]] te arti tuae intentum sic interpellet, Curt. 9, 4, 28. — Absol.: ministri, interpellando,… atrocitatem facti leniebant, Sall. J. 27, 1; Suet. Tib. 27.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> Esp.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To [[annoy]], [[importune]]: cum a Ceballino [[interpellatus]] [[sum]], Curt. 6, 10, 19: urbe egrediens, ne [[quis]] se interpellaret, Suet. Tib. 40; [[molest]], [[disturb]] one, id. ib. 34. —<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To [[solicit]], [[try]] to [[seduce]] a [[female]]: qui mulierem puellamve interpellaverit, Paul. Sent. 5, 4, 14 Huschke (Dig. 47, 11, 1, § 2).—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>3</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To [[address]], [[accost]], [[speak]] to, i. q. alloqui: [[verum]] tu [[quid]] agis? interpella me, ut sciam, Lucil. ap. Non. 331, 1; = intericere, interpellantem admonere, to [[object]], Cic. Verr. 2, 1, 28, § 71. —<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>4</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; To [[dun]], [[demand]] [[payment]] of, Dig. 26, 7, 44; cf. Amm. 17, 3, 6. —<br /><b>II</b> In gen., to [[disturb]], [[hinder]], [[obstruct]], [[molest]]; constr. [[with]] acc., [[quin]], [[quominus]], ne, or inf.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(a)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With acc.; of persons: aliquem in jure suo, Caes. B. G. 1, 44; of things: partam jam victoriam, id. B. C. 3, 73: poenam, Liv. 4, 50: incrementa urbis, Just. 18, 5, 7: [[otium]] [[bello]], Curt. 6, 6, 12: satietatem epularum ludis, id. 6, 2, 5: lex Julia non interpellat eam possessionem, does not [[disturb]], does not [[abrogate]] it, Dig. 23, 5, 16.—Pass.: reperiebat T. Ampium [[conatum]] esse tollere pecunias ... sed interpellatum adventum Caesaris profugisse, Caes. B. C. 3, 105: haec tota res interpellata [[bello]] refrixerat, Cic. Att. 1, 19, 4: [[stupro]] interpellato [[motus]], Liv. 3, 57.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(b)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With [[quin]]: [[Caesar]] [[numquam]] interpellavit, [[quin]], quibus vellem, uterer, [[Matius]] ad Cic. Fam. 11, 28.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(g)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With [[quominus]]: interpellent me, quo [[minus]] [[honoratus]] sim, dum ne interpellent, quo [[minus]], etc., Brut. ad Cic. Fam. 11, 10, 1.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>(d)</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; With ne: tribunis interregem interpellantibus, ne [[senatusconsultum]] fieret, to [[interpose]] [[their]] [[veto]], Liv. 4, 43.—(ε) With inf.: [[pransus]] non [[avide]], [[quantum]] interpellet inani Ventre diem durare, Hor. S. 1, 6, 127.—(ζ) Absol.: fameque et siti interpellante, disturbing him, Suet. Ner. 48.
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|georg=[[inter]]-[[pello]], āvī, ātum, āre ([[inter]] u. *[[pello]], āre, Intens. v. [[pello]], ere), I) jmdm. in die [[Rede]] [[fallen]], jmd. ([[durch]] Dazwischenreden) [[unterbrechen]], absol. = eine [[Einrede]] [[vorbringen]], [[Einspruch]] [[erheben]], A) im allg.: [[crebro]] dicentem, Caes.: loquentem ducem (v. einem [[Geschrei]]), Liv.: [[nihil]] te interpellabo; continentem orationem audire [[malo]], Cic.: interpellando ([[durch]] Einreden) atrocitatem facti leniebant, Sall. – B) prägn.: 1) [[etwas]] [[als]] [[Einrede]] [[vorbringen]], [[nisi]] [[vero]] [[illud]] dicet, [[quod]] et in Tetti testimonio priore actione interpellavit [[Hortensius]], Cic. II. Verr. 1, 71. – 2) sowohl eine [[Person]] in [[etwas]] [[als]] eine [[Handlung]], [[einen]] [[Zustand]] [[durch]] [[Einspruch]] [[oder]] eine sonstige [[Unterbrechung]] [[stören]], [[hindern]], [[aufhalten]], [[etwas]] [[unterbrechen]], [[hintertreiben]], a) v. Pers.: alqm in iure [[suo]], Cic.: alqm, ne etc., Liv., od. [[quo]] [[minus]], [[Brut]]. in Cic. ep.: alqm [[numquam]] interp., [[quin]] etc., Mat. in Cic. ep. – [[comitia]], Liv.: [[otium]] [[bello]], Curt.: satietatem epularum ludis, Curt.: caloribus crebris interpellari, mitgenommen [[werden]], Amm.: [[neque]] (se) populi [[Romani]] potestatem [[aut]] [[consilium]] [[aut]] sententiam interpellaturum (wolle [[vorgreifen]] der usw.), Ascon. ad Cic. Mil. § 13. p. 31, 10 K. – b) v. Lebl.: [[alveolum]], das [[Flußbett]] [[sperren]], v. [[Gestein]], Curt.: u. so [[specus]], Curt.: partam [[iam]] praesentemque victoriam, Caes.: e provinciis... interpellat [[iudicium]] Marcelli, Cael. in Cic. ep.: [[haec]] tota [[res]] interpellata [[bello]] (die [[durch]] den Kr. eine [[Störung]] erlitten hatte) refrixerat, Cic.: fame et siti interpellante, Suet.: [[quod]] [[vivo]] Philippo exspectatum, morte [[eius]] interpellatum est, Liv.: [[nisi]] abstinentiā interpellata [[sagina]] fuerit, Iustin. – m. Infin., [[quantum]] interpellet (so [[weit]] es hindert) inani ventre diem durare, Hor. [[sat]]. 1, 6, 127. – II) jmd. [[mit]] Fragen, [[Bitten]] usw. [[hin]] und [[wieder]] [[angehen]], [[bestürmen]], [[überlaufen]], [[bei]] ihm [[einkommen]], A) im allg.: ne ream [[quidem]] interpellare desiit, ›Ec [[quid]] paeniteret‹, Suet.: cum a Ceballino [[interpellatus]] [[sum]], da mir [[von]] C. Anträge gemacht wurden, Curt.: [[qui]] adiri interpellarique posset, den [[man]] [[angehen]] [[oder]] [[bei]] dem [[man]] [[einkommen]] könnte, Suet. – B) insbes.: 1) jmdm. unsittliche Anträge [[machen]], [[Unzucht]] [[zumuten]], mulierem, Paul. dig. 47, 11, 1. – 2) [[bei]] jmd. [[wegen]] Bezahlung [[einkommen]], jmd. [[mahnen]], ICt. – / Genet. Plur. [[des]] Partiz. Präs. interpellantum, [[Sidon]]. epist. 5, 14, 2.
|georg=[[inter]]-[[pello]], āvī, ātum, āre ([[inter]] u. *[[pello]], āre, Intens. v. [[pello]], ere), I) jmdm. in die [[Rede]] [[fallen]], jmd. ([[durch]] Dazwischenreden) [[unterbrechen]], absol. = eine [[Einrede]] [[vorbringen]], [[Einspruch]] [[erheben]], A) im allg.: [[crebro]] dicentem, Caes.: loquentem ducem (v. einem [[Geschrei]]), Liv.: [[nihil]] te interpellabo; continentem orationem audire [[malo]], Cic.: interpellando ([[durch]] Einreden) atrocitatem facti leniebant, Sall. – B) prägn.: 1) [[etwas]] [[als]] [[Einrede]] [[vorbringen]], [[nisi]] [[vero]] [[illud]] dicet, [[quod]] et in Tetti testimonio priore actione interpellavit [[Hortensius]], Cic. II. Verr. 1, 71. – 2) sowohl eine [[Person]] in [[etwas]] [[als]] eine [[Handlung]], [[einen]] [[Zustand]] [[durch]] [[Einspruch]] [[oder]] eine sonstige [[Unterbrechung]] [[stören]], [[hindern]], [[aufhalten]], [[etwas]] [[unterbrechen]], [[hintertreiben]], a) v. Pers.: alqm in iure [[suo]], Cic.: alqm, ne etc., Liv., od. [[quo]] [[minus]], [[Brut]]. in Cic. ep.: alqm [[numquam]] interp., [[quin]] etc., Mat. in Cic. ep. – [[comitia]], Liv.: [[otium]] [[bello]], Curt.: satietatem epularum ludis, Curt.: caloribus crebris interpellari, mitgenommen [[werden]], Amm.: [[neque]] (se) populi [[Romani]] potestatem [[aut]] [[consilium]] [[aut]] sententiam interpellaturum (wolle [[vorgreifen]] der usw.), Ascon. ad Cic. Mil. § 13. p. 31, 10 K. – b) v. Lebl.: [[alveolum]], das [[Flußbett]] [[sperren]], v. [[Gestein]], Curt.: u. so [[specus]], Curt.: partam [[iam]] praesentemque victoriam, Caes.: e provinciis... interpellat [[iudicium]] Marcelli, Cael. in Cic. ep.: [[haec]] tota [[res]] interpellata [[bello]] (die [[durch]] den Kr. eine [[Störung]] erlitten hatte) refrixerat, Cic.: fame et siti interpellante, Suet.: [[quod]] [[vivo]] Philippo exspectatum, morte [[eius]] interpellatum est, Liv.: [[nisi]] abstinentiā interpellata [[sagina]] fuerit, Iustin. – m. Infin., [[quantum]] interpellet (so [[weit]] es hindert) inani ventre diem durare, Hor. [[sat]]. 1, 6, 127. – II) jmd. [[mit]] Fragen, [[Bitten]] usw. [[hin]] und [[wieder]] [[angehen]], [[bestürmen]], [[überlaufen]], [[bei]] ihm [[einkommen]], A) im allg.: ne ream [[quidem]] interpellare desiit, ›Ec [[quid]] paeniteret‹, Suet.: cum a Ceballino [[interpellatus]] [[sum]], da mir [[von]] C. Anträge gemacht wurden, Curt.: [[qui]] adiri interpellarique posset, den [[man]] [[angehen]] [[oder]] [[bei]] dem [[man]] [[einkommen]] könnte, Suet. – B) insbes.: 1) jmdm. unsittliche Anträge [[machen]], [[Unzucht]] [[zumuten]], mulierem, Paul. dig. 47, 11, 1. – 2) [[bei]] jmd. [[wegen]] Bezahlung [[einkommen]], jmd. [[mahnen]], ICt. – / Genet. Plur. [[des]] Partiz. Präs. interpellantum, [[Sidon]]. epist. 5, 14, 2.
|lnetxt=interpello interpellare, interpellavi, interpellatus V :: interrupt, break in on; interpose an objection; disturb, hinder, obstruct