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|lshtext=<b>rĕlātĭo</b>: ōnis, f. [[refero]],<br /><b>I</b> a [[carrying]] [[back]], [[bringing]] [[back]]. *<br /><b>I</b> Lit.: membranae ut juvant aciem, ita crebrā relatione, [[quoad]] intinguntur calami, morantur manum, [[through]] the [[frequent]] [[carrying]] of the [[hand]] [[back]] to the inkstand, i.e. by [[often]] stopping to [[dip]] the [[pen]] in the [[ink]], Quint. 10, 3, 31.—<br /><b>II</b> Trop.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>A</b> In [[law]] t. t., a throwing [[back]], retorting: [[relatio]] criminis, est cum [[ideo]] jure [[factum]] dicitur, [[quod]] [[aliquis]] [[ante]] injuriā lacessierit, Cic. Inv. 1, 11, 15; so Dig. 48, 1, 5: jurisjurandi, ib. 12, 2, 34 fin.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> In partic.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A [[returning]], repaying: gratiae, Sen. Ben. 5, 11; id. Ep. 74, 13.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In publicists' lang., a [[report]]; a [[proposition]], [[motion]]: [[ecquis]] audivit non [[modo]] actionem [[aliquam]] aut relationem, sed vocem [[omnino]] aut querellam tuam? Cic. Pis. 13, 29: [[relatio]] [[illa]] [[salutaris]], id. ib. 7, 14; Liv. 3, 39: relationem approbare, id. 32, 22: incipere, Tac. A. 5, 4; 13, 26: mutare, id. ib. 14, 49: egredi, id. ib. 2, 38: postulare in aliquid, id. ib. 13, 49: relationi intercedere, id. ib. 1, 13 al.: jus quartae relationis, the [[right]] accorded to the [[emperor]], [[without]] [[being]] [[consul]], of [[making]] communications in the Senate (this [[right]] [[was]] [[simply]] jus relationis; tertiae, quartae, etc., [[denote]] the [[number]] of subjects he [[might]] [[introduce]] at [[each]] [[meeting]], [[which]] [[varied]] at [[different]] periods), [[Capitol]]. Pert. 5; Vop. Prob. 12 fin. — Hence,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>b</b> Transf., in gen., a [[report]], [[narration]], [[relation]] ([[only]] [[post]]-Aug.): dictorum, Quint. 2, 7, 4; cf. id. 9, 2, 59: causarum, id. 6, 3, 77: meritorum, id. 4, 1, 13: rerum ab Scythis gestarum, Just. 2, 1, 1: gentium, Plin. 7, 1, 1, § 6.— Of [[military]] reports to the [[general]]-in-[[chief]] or [[emperor]]: addens quaedam relationibus supervacua, quas [[subinde]] dimittebat ad principem, Amm. 14, 7, 10; 20, 4, 7; 28, 1, 10. —<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>3</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A [[rhetorical]] [[figure]] mentioned by [[Cicero]], of the [[nature]] of [[which]] Quintilian [[was]] [[ignorant]], Cic. de Or. 3, 54, 207; Quint. 9, 3, 97: [[epanaphora]] est [[relatio]]; [[quotiens]] per singula membra [[eadem]] [[pars]] orationis repetitur, hoc [[modo]]: [[Verres]] calumniatores apponebat, [[Verres]] de causā cognoscebat; [[Verres]] pronunciabat? i. e. the [[repetition]] of a [[word]] for [[rhetorical]] [[effect]], Mart. Cap. 5, § 534 init.; cf. Quint. 9, 1, 33. —<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>4</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In philos. and gram. lang., [[reference]], [[regard]], [[respect]], [[relation]]: illud [[quoque]] est ex relatione ad aliquid, Quint. 8, 4, 21: relatione factā non ad id, Dig. 1, 1, 11.
|lshtext=<b>rĕlātĭo</b>: ōnis, f. [[refero]],<br /><b>I</b> a [[carrying]] [[back]], [[bringing]] [[back]]. *<br /><b>I</b> Lit.: membranae ut juvant aciem, ita crebrā relatione, [[quoad]] intinguntur calami, morantur manum, [[through]] the [[frequent]] [[carrying]] of the [[hand]] [[back]] to the inkstand, i.e. by [[often]] stopping to [[dip]] the [[pen]] in the [[ink]], Quint. 10, 3, 31.—<br /><b>II</b> Trop.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>A</b> In [[law]] t. t., a throwing [[back]], retorting: [[relatio]] criminis, est cum [[ideo]] jure [[factum]] dicitur, [[quod]] [[aliquis]] [[ante]] injuriā lacessierit, Cic. Inv. 1, 11, 15; so Dig. 48, 1, 5: jurisjurandi, ib. 12, 2, 34 fin.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>B</b> In partic.<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>1</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A [[returning]], repaying: gratiae, Sen. Ben. 5, 11; id. Ep. 74, 13.—<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>2</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In publicists' lang., a [[report]]; a [[proposition]], [[motion]]: [[ecquis]] audivit non [[modo]] actionem [[aliquam]] aut relationem, sed vocem [[omnino]] aut querellam tuam? Cic. Pis. 13, 29: [[relatio]] [[illa]] [[salutaris]], id. ib. 7, 14; Liv. 3, 39: relationem approbare, id. 32, 22: incipere, Tac. A. 5, 4; 13, 26: mutare, id. ib. 14, 49: egredi, id. ib. 2, 38: postulare in aliquid, id. ib. 13, 49: relationi intercedere, id. ib. 1, 13 al.: jus quartae relationis, the [[right]] accorded to the [[emperor]], [[without]] [[being]] [[consul]], of [[making]] communications in the Senate (this [[right]] [[was]] [[simply]] jus relationis; tertiae, quartae, etc., [[denote]] the [[number]] of subjects he [[might]] [[introduce]] at [[each]] [[meeting]], [[which]] [[varied]] at [[different]] periods), [[Capitol]]. Pert. 5; Vop. Prob. 12 fin. — Hence,<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>b</b> Transf., in gen., a [[report]], [[narration]], [[relation]] ([[only]] [[post]]-Aug.): dictorum, Quint. 2, 7, 4; cf. id. 9, 2, 59: causarum, id. 6, 3, 77: meritorum, id. 4, 1, 13: rerum ab Scythis gestarum, Just. 2, 1, 1: gentium, Plin. 7, 1, 1, § 6.— Of [[military]] reports to the [[general]]-in-[[chief]] or [[emperor]]: addens quaedam relationibus supervacua, quas [[subinde]] dimittebat ad principem, Amm. 14, 7, 10; 20, 4, 7; 28, 1, 10. —<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>3</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; A [[rhetorical]] [[figure]] mentioned by [[Cicero]], of the [[nature]] of [[which]] Quintilian [[was]] [[ignorant]], Cic. de Or. 3, 54, 207; Quint. 9, 3, 97: [[epanaphora]] est [[relatio]]; [[quotiens]] per singula membra [[eadem]] [[pars]] orationis repetitur, hoc [[modo]]: [[Verres]] calumniatores apponebat, [[Verres]] de causā cognoscebat; [[Verres]] pronunciabat? i. e. the [[repetition]] of a [[word]] for [[rhetorical]] [[effect]], Mart. Cap. 5, § 534 init.; cf. Quint. 9, 1, 33. —<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<b>4</b>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; In philos. and gram. lang., [[reference]], [[regard]], [[respect]], [[relation]]: illud [[quoque]] est ex relatione ad aliquid, Quint. 8, 4, 21: relatione factā non ad id, Dig. 1, 1, 11.
|gf=<b>rĕlātĭō</b>,¹² ōnis, f. ([[refero]]),<br /><b>1</b> action de porter à nouveau : [de porter à tout instant la plume dans l’encrier] Quint. 10, 3, 31<br /><b>2</b> [fig.] <b> a)</b> criminis Cic. Inv. 2, 78, action de rapporter à l’influence d’autrui le fait dont on [[est]] accusé, cf. Dig. 48, 1, 5 ; <b> b)</b> gratiæ Sen. Ep. 74, 13, témoignage de reconnaissance, cf. Ben. 5, 11, etc.; <b> c)</b> rapport d’un magistrat au sénat, mise à l’ordre du jour : [[relatio]] [[illa]] [[salutaris]] et [[diligens]] fuerat consulis Cic. Pis. 14, ce rapport salutaire et consciencieux avait été l’œuvre du [[consul]], cf. Cic. Pis. 29 ; de [[aliqua]] re Liv. 26, 28, 3, rapport sur une affaire ; relationem in [[aliquid]] postulare Tac. Ann. 13, 49, demander la mise en délibération pour une chose (d’une chose) ; relationem egredi Tac. Ann. 2, 38, sortir de l’ordre du jour proposé (de la question débattue) ; relationi consulum intercedere Tac. Ann. 1, 13, s’opposer à la proposition des consuls ; [[jus]] tertiæ, quartæ... relationis Capit. Pert. 5 ; Aur. 6 ; Lampr. Al. Sev. 1, droit [de l’empereur] de mettre à l’ordre du jour du sénat trois, quatre... affaires ; <b> d)</b> relation, narration : Quint. 2, 7, 4 ; 9, 2, 59, etc.; <b> e)</b> [rhét.] [[relatio]] contrariorum Cic. Or. 166, rapprochement de contraires, antithèse || épanaphore : Capel. 5, 534 ; Quint. 9, 3, 27 ; <b> f)</b> [[relatio]] ad [[aliquid]] Quint. 8, 4, 21, rapport, relation à qqch.