From LSJ
Latin > English
citrum citri N N :: lemon
citrum citrum citri N N :: wood of citron tree; furniture/table made of citron/citrus-wood; (expensive)
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
cī̆trum: i, n. id.,
I the wood of the citrus, q. v., citrus-wood, Plin. 16, 43, 84, § 231.—
2 Meton., the household furniture, esp. tables, made of it (very costly), Cato ap. Fest. p. 242, 21 Müll.; Vell. 2, 56, 2; Mart. 9, 59, 10; 10, 98, 6; 10, 80, 2; cf. citrus, I.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
cĭtrum,¹⁵ ī, n., bois de thuia : Plin. 16, 231 || table en bois de thuia : Cato Orat. 175 ; Mart. 10, 80, 2.
Latin > German (Georges)
citrum, ī, n. (citrus no. II), Citrusholz, massiv od. zum Furnieren kostbarer Möbel, bes. Tische verarbeitet, Cato oratt. 36. fr. 1. Varr. r. r. 3, 2, 4. Vell. 2, 56, 2. Plin. 16, 231. Mart. 10, 80, 2 u. 98, 6.