
From LSJ

ὁπόσον τῷ ποδὶ περρέχει τᾶς γᾶς, τοῦτο χάριςevery inch of his stature is grace, from top to toe he's a complete charmer


Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

obsæptĭō, ōnis, f. (obsæpio), action d’obstruer : Jul. d. Aug. Imp. Jul. 3, 119.

Latin > German (Georges)

obsaeptio, ōnis, f. (obsaepio), die Absperrung, obs. crassi umoris (durch verdickte Feuchtigkeit), Iulian. b. Augustin. op. imperf. c. Iul. 3, 119.