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ποίαν παρεξελθοῦσα δαιμόνων δίκην; (Sophocles, Antigone 921) → What law of the gods have I transgressed?


Latin > English

populatus populatus N M :: devastation; laying-waste

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

pŏpŭlātus: ūs, m. populor,
I a laying waste, a devastating, devastation (poet.), Luc. 2, 634: squalent populatibus agri, Claud. in Eutr. 1, 244: coërcere populatibus, Sid. Ep. 3, 3, p. 181, 40.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

(1) pŏpŭlātŭs, a, um, part. de populor.
(2) pŏpŭlātŭs, abl. ū, m., ravage, dévastation : Luc. 2, 634 ; Sid. Ep. 3, 3.

Latin > German (Georges)

populātus, ūs, m. (populor), die Verheerung, Verwüstung, ardent od. squalent populatibus agri, Lucan. 2, 534. Claud. in Eutr. 1, 244: infrenes hostium ante discursus castigatis coërcuisse populatibus, Sidon. epist. 3, 3, 7.