καὶ τῇ ὧν λέγεις καὶ φθέγγῃ ἡρωικῇ ἀληθείᾳ ἀρκούμενος, εὐζωήσεις → and satisfied with heroic truth in every word and sound which you utter, you will live happy
maidenhood: V. παρθενεία, ἡ.
continence: P. ἐγκράτεια, ἡ, P. and V. τὸ σῶφρον, τὸ σωφρονεῖν (Eur., Electra 923).
Chastity personified: (Aidos) V. Αἰδώς (Eur., Hippolytus 78).