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μεριμνᾷς καὶ τυρβάζῃ περὶ πολλά → you are worried and bothered about so many things, thou art careful and troubled about many things, you are worried and upset about many things


English > Greek (Woodhouse)

Woodhouse page for gratuity - Opens in new window


P. ἐπιφορά, ἡ, σπονδή, ἡ.


ar: بقشيش; be_x_old: гасьцінец; be: гасцінец; bg: бакшиш; ca: propina; cs: spropitné; cy: cildwrn; da: drikkepenge; de: Trinkgeld; el: πουρμπουάρ; en: gratuity; eo: trinkmono; es: propina; et: jootraha; eu: eskupeko; fa: انعام; fi: palveluraha; fr: pourboire; gl: adealla; he: תשר; hi: ग्रेच्युटी; hr: napojnica; id: uang tip; it: mancia; ja: チップ; ko: 사례금; nl: fooi; no: drikkepenger; pl: napiwek; pt: gorjeta; ru: чаевые; simple: tipping; sr: напојница; sv: dricks; uk: чайові; vi: tiền boa; zh: 小費