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Τὸν εὐτυχοῦντα καὶ φρονεῖν νομίζομεν → Fortuna famam saepe dat prudentiae → Von dem der glücklich, glaubt man auch, dass er klar denkt

Menander, Monostichoi, 497

English > Greek (Woodhouse)

Ἀρίσταρχος, ὁ.

Latin > English (Lewis & Short)

Ăristarchus: i, m., = Ἀρίσταρχος,
I a distinguisled critic of Alexandria, who animadverted with special severity upon the poetry of Homer, and contended that many of his verses were spurious, Cic. Fam. 3, 11; Ov. P. 3, 9, 24.—Appel. for any critic, Cic. Pis. 30: orationes meae, quarum tu Aristarchus es, id. Att. 1, 14.—Hence, Aristar-chēi, ōrum, m., the disciples, followers of Aristarchus, i. e. severe critics, Varr. L. L. 8, § 63 Müll.

Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)

Ăristarchus,¹⁴ ī, m. (Ἀρίσταρχος), Aristarque,
1 célèbre critique alexandrin qui revisa les poèmes d’Homère : Cic. Fam. 3, 11 ; Ov. P. 3, 9, 24 || [en gén.] un critique : mearum orationum tu Aristarchus es Cic. Att. 1, 14, 3, tu es l’Aristarque (= le sévère critique) de mes discours || -chēī, ōrum, m., les Aristarques, les critiques à la façon d’Aristarque : Varro L. 8, 63
2 poète tragique : Pl. Pœn. 1 ; Fest. 305
3 mathématicien : Vitr. Arch. 9, 4, 3.

Latin > German (Georges)

Aristarchus, ī, m. (Ἀρίσταρχος), aus Samothrake, ein zu Alexandrien gebildeter Grammatiker, bes. durch die neue Rezension der homerischen Gedichte als strenger Kritiker bekannt, Varr. LL. 9, 1 u. 43. Cic. ep. 3, 11, 4. Ov. ex Pont. 3, 9, 24: appell. = ein strenger Kritiker, mearum orationum tu A. es, Cic. ad Att. 1, 14, 3 (vgl. Hor. de art. poët. 450. Cic. Pis. 75): quid ais, o columen litterarum et nostrorum temporum Aristarche! Hier. ep. 57, 12. – Dav. Aristarchēī, ōrum, m., die Anhänger-, Nachfolger des Aristarchus = strenge Kritiker, Varr. LL. 8, 63.

Wikipedia EN

Aristarchus of Samos (/ˌærəˈstɑːrkəs/; Greek: Ἀρίσταρχος ὁ Σάμιος, Aristarkhos ho Samios; c. 310 – c. 230 BC) was an ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician who presented the first known heliocentric model that placed the Sun at the center of the known universe, with the Earth revolving around the Sun once a year and rotating about its axis once a day. He was a student of Strato of Lampsacus, who was the third head of the Peripatetic School in Greece. According to Ptolemy, during his time there, he observed the summer solstice of 280 B.C. Along with his contributions to the heliocentric model, as reported by Vitruvius, he created two separate sundials; one that is a flat disc and one that is hemispherical. He was influenced by the concept presented by Philolaus of Croton (c. 470 – 385 BC) of a fire at the center of the universe, but Aristarchus identified the "central fire" with the Sun and he put the other planets in their correct order of distance around the Sun.


af: Aristarchos van Samos; ar: أرسطرخس الساموسي; arz: ارسطرخس; az: Aristarxus Samoslu; bg: Аристарх Самоски; bn: সামোস-এর আরিসতারকুস; ca: Aristarc de Samos; ckb: ئاریستارخۆس; cs: Aristarchos ze Samu; da: Aristarchos; de: Aristarchos von Samos; el: Αρίσταρχος ο Σάμιος; en: Aristarchus of Samos; eo: Aristarko el Samoso; es: Aristarco de Samos; eu: Aristarko Samoskoa; fa: آریستارخوس ساموسی; fi: Aristarkhos Samoslainen; fr: Aristarque de Samos; ga: Arastarcas as Samas; gl: Aristarco de Samos; he: אריסטרכוס מסאמוס; hr: Aristarh sa Samosa; ht: Aristarchus of Samos; hu: Szamoszi Arisztarkhosz; hy: Արիստարքոս Սամոսցի; ia: Aristarcho; id: Aristarkhos dari Samos; is: Aristarkos frá Samos; it: Aristarco di Samo; ja: アリスタルコス; kk: Аристарх Самостық; kn: ಆರಿಸ್ಟಾರ್ಕಸ್; ko: 사모스의 아리스타르코스; la: Aristarchus Samius; lb: Aristarchos vu Samos; lt: Aristarchas; lv: Aristarhs no Samas; nl: Aristarchus van Samos; nn: Aristarkhos frå Samos; no: Aristarkhos; oc: Aristarc de Samos; pl: Arystarch z Samos; pms: Aristarch ëd Samo; pnb: ارسٹارخس; ps: ساموسي اريستارخوس; pt: Aristarco de Samos; ro: Aristarh din Samos; ru: Аристарх Самосский; sh: Aristarh; simple: Aristarchus of Samos; sk: Aristarchos zo Samu; sl: Aristarh; sq: Aristarku i Samosit; sr: Аристарх са Самоса; sv: Aristarchos; ta: அரிசுட்டார்க்கசு; tl: Aristarco; tr: Sisamlı Aristarkus; uk: Аристарх Самоський; vi: Aristarchus xứ Samos; war: Aristarco han Samos; wuu: 阿里斯塔克斯; xmf: არისტარქე სამოსარი; zh: 阿里斯塔克斯