From LSJ
Φίλιππον ἐπιστῆσαι τοῖς πράγμασι τούτοις → let Philip have a hand in the business, surrender control to Philip
English (LSJ)
A adequately, precisely, λόγος κατ' ἀνάλυσιν ἀ. ἐκφερόμενος Antip.Stoic.3.247, cf. Apollod.ib.3.260; Alex.Aphr.in Top.42.27; of division, without remainder, Theo Sm.p.76 H.
German (Pape)
[Seite 281] vollkommen, D. L. 7, 60.
Greek (Liddell-Scott)
ἀπαρτιζόντως: ἐπίρρ., τελείως, Διογ. Λ. 7. 60.