Ἰατρὸς ἀδόλεσχος ἐπὶ τῇ νόσῳ νόσος → Medicus loquax, secundus aegro morbus est → Ein Arzt, der schwätzt, verdoppelt nur der Krankheit Last
(1) son of Azeus, Il. 2.513.— (2) father of Menoetius, Il. 11.785, Il. 16.14. —(3) son of Phorbas, brother of Augeas, and father of the Ἀκτορίωνε.— (4) father of Echecles.
Ἄκτωρ father of Menoitios 1 υἱὸν δ' Ἄκτορος Μενοίτιον (O. 9.69)