Μιμοῦ τὰ σεμνά, μὴ κακῶν μιμοῦ τρόπους → Graves imitatormores, ne imitator malos → Das Edle nimm zum Vorbild, nicht der Schlechten Art
interrogative: P. and V. ποῦ.
indirect: P. and V. ὅπου, V. ἔνθα, Ar. and V. ἵνα (rare P.).
relative: P. and V. οὗ, ὅπου, ὅπη, ᾗ, οὗπερ, P. ἵναπερ (rare). V. ἔνθα (rare P.), ἔνθαπερ (also Thuc. 6, 32 but rare P.), Ar. and V. ἵνα (rare P.).