ἀλλ' ἐπὶ καὶ θανάτῳ φάρμακον κάλλιστον ἑᾶς ἀρετᾶς ἅλιξιν εὑρέσθαι σὺν ἄλλοις → even at the price of death, the fairest way to win his own exploits together with his other companions | but even at the risk of death would find the finest elixir of excellence together with his other companions | but to find, together with other young men, the finest remedy — the remedy of one's own valor — even at the risk of death
English (LSJ)
ῠχος, ὁ, ἡ, τό,
A with a single, i.e. uncloven, hoof, epith. of the horse, freq. in Il., 5.236, al.; once in Od., 15.46, cf. Sol.23, E.Ph. 793 (lyr., dub.l.), Stud.Pont.3.16 (ii/i B.C.); also μ. ὕες Arist.HA 499b13; τὰ μ. [τῶν ζῴων] Hp.Art.8; τετραπόδων ὅσα μ. Porph.Abst. 4.7; [γένει] τῷ καλουμένῳ μώνυχι Pl.Plt.265d. (From sm- (weak form of sem-, cf. εἷς) and ὄνυξ (ὄ- lengthd. in composition).)