ὅταν δὲ τἄμ' ἀθυμήσαντ' ἴδῃς, σύ μου τὸ δεινὸν καὶ διαφθαρὲν φρενῶν ἴσχναινε παραμυθοῦ θ' → whenever you see me despondent over my situation, do what you can to lessen and relieve what is wild and senseless in my thinking | whenever you see me despondent, you must cure the grim derangement of my mind and encourage me
Latin > English
flexiloquus flexiloqua, flexiloquum ADJ :: equivocal, ambiguous
Latin > English (Lewis & Short)
flexĭlŏquus: a, um, adj. flexus-loquor,
I ambiguous, equivocal: (oracula) partim falsa, partim casu vera, partim flexiloqua et obscura, Cic. Div. 2, 56, 115.
Latin > French (Gaffiot 2016)
flexĭlŏquus, a, um (flexus 2, loquor), de sens ondoyant : Cic. Div. 2, 115.
Latin > German (Georges)
flexiloquus, a, um (flexus u. loquor), zweideutig redend, Cic. de div. 2, 115 u. (nach Cic. Stelle) Amm. 18, 5, 6 (viell. auch *Pacuv. tr. 152, s. Ribbeck not. cr.).