αἱ μέν ἀποφάσεις ἐπί τῶν θείων ἀληθεῖς, αἱ δέ καταφάσεις ἀνάρμοστοι τῇ κρυφιότητι τῶν ἀποῤῥήτων → as concerns the things of the gods, negative pronouncements are true, but positive ones are inadequate to their hidden character
myŏpăro: ōnis, m., = μυοπάρων,
I a kind of light piratical vessel, Cic. Verr. 2, 3, 80, § 186; 2, 1, 34, § 87; Fragm. ap. Non. 534, 16; cf. Paul. ex Fest. p. 147 Müll.