οὗ δ' ἂν Ἔρως μὴ ἐφάψηται, σκοτεινός → he on whom Love has laid no hold is obscure | he whom Love touches not walks in darkness
Īlĭŏneus: (quadrisyl.), ei, m., = Ἰλιονεύς.
I The youngest son of Niobe, Ov. M. 6, 261.—
II A Trojan, a follower of Æneas, Verg. A. 1, 521.
Īlĭŏneūs,¹³ ĕī ou ĕos, m. (Ἰλιονεύς), Ilionée, [un fils de Niobé] : Ov. M. 6, 261