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Revision as of 19:59, 9 August 2017 by Spiros (talk | contribs) (Bailly1_3)

Ῥῦσέ με δεινῶν νοσημάτων, ἱερώτατε, ἱερωσύνην συναρμόσας ἐν χαρᾷ και ἐπιστήμης τὸ πολύτιμον κεφάλαιον → Deliver me from grievous afflictions, most holy one, joining sanctity together in joy with the precious fountainhead of knowledge


German (Pape)

[Seite 1195] oder nach den Schol. θεοεχθρία, das Gottverhaßtsein, Luc. Lexiph. 11.

French (Bailly abrégé)

ας (ἡ) :
inimitié des dieux.
Étymologie: θεός, ἔχθος.