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From LSJ

Νέµουσι δ' οἴκους καὶ τὰ ναυστολούµενα ἔσω δόµων σῴζουσιν, οὐδ' ἐρηµίᾳ γυναικὸς οἶκος εὐπινὴς οὐδ' ὄλβιος → They manage households, and save what is brought by sea within the home, and no house deprived of a woman can be tidy and prosperous

Euripides, Melanippe Captiva, Fragment 6.11

French (Bailly abrégé)

1 papa, petit père mot d'amitié;
2 frérot, sœurette mot d'enfant ; mot de tendresse entre amoureux.
Étymologie: DELG mot familier.

Frisk Etymological English

Grammatical information: m.
Meaning: endearing address between brothers and sisters, also beloved ones (Eust.)
Derivatives: ἀπφίον (Eust.), ἀπφάριον (Xenarch., Smyrna), ἀπφίδιον (Schol.); also ἀπφία (Poll., H.), ἀπφῦς m. papa (Theok.), expressive but unexplained.
Origin: ONOM [onomatopoia, and other elementary formations]
Etymology: Elementary term, cf. unaspirated ἄππα etc. See Chantraine REGr. 59-60, 245, Kretschmer Glotta 16, 184 m. On the phonetics s. Lejeune Traité 61.

Frisk Etymology German

ἄπφα: (Eust.),
Forms: ἀπφίον (Eust.), ἀπφάριον (Xenarch., Smyrna), ἀπφίδιον (Schol.); auch ἀπφία (Poll., H.), ἀπφῦς m. (Theok.).
Meaning: Schmeichelnde Anrede an den Vater und an andere Personen, auch unter Liebenden. Elementarschöpfung, vgl. das unaspirierte ἄππα usw.
Etymology : Dazu Chantraine REGr. 59-60, 245, Kretschmer Glotta 16, 184 m. Lit.; zum Lautlichen Lejeune Traité de phonétique 61.
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