English > Greek (Woodhouse)
P. γένος, τό, Ar. φῦλον, τό (Xen.).
The male sex: P. and V. οἱ ἄρσενες, τὸ ἄρσεν.
The female sex: P. and V. τὸ θῆλυ, P. θήλεια φύσις, ἡ, V. θῆλυς σπορά, ἡ, τὸ θῆλυ γένος.
Of the male sex, adj.: P. and V. ἄρσην.
Of the female sex: P. and V. θῆλυς, V. θηλύσπορος.
Great is your glory if you do not fall below the standart of your sex: P. τῆς . . . ὑπαρχούσης φύσεως μὴ χείροσι γενέσθαι ὑμῖν μεγάλη ἡ δόξα (Thuc. 2, 45).
Sparing neither age nor sex: see Thuc. 7, 29.